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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by McFly

  1. It's back up, 36 pages of new mugs. And a new url https://services.austintexas.gov/police/mug_shots/index.cfm
  2. You should have celery salt on hand for bloody marys
  3. Front butt?
  4. McFly

    Below Deck

    I think Gary and Daisy have already been seen filming the next season, but no Colin.
  5. Next try shredding your own cheese.
  6. Still? How many grand have you spent on her?
  7. Final table should start with 9th 1MM
  8. Yes. Always start thinking there is a leak this time of year. Between loss and kids splashing it feels like I'm adding water every day or every other day.
  9. You should quote it so it shows up again.
  10. Well if you fix the homeless problem then how do you expect them to steal money “fixing” the homeless problem.
  11. Been undergoing maintenance for maybe 2 weeks. Don't think it was ever taken down but it's often not updated completely, or done poorly.
  12. I know it's still early but any recs for thickening up saint augustine? Anything worth adding to the soil?
  13. Keeping it real
  14. There is no east pleasant valley, it runs north and south.
  15. was BB first hand and lost 75. was SB on the QT hand.
  16. Repair question. Noticed a leak coming from my pump, between the pump and motor, had the gasket replaced and there's still a leak that appears to be coming from the motor. Pool guy first recommended to replace the motor, but when getting quotes for parts, they suggested replacing the whole thing for the warranty. Would you just replace the motor or replace the whole unit? Pentair Intelliflo 2 VST
  17. I’m sure it’s on every page of this thread but 205 or temp is just a guideline. It’s done when it’s done. Probe it. If there’s resistance let it ride. If you pull it based on temp you’re more likely to undercook it than over.
  18. Except for realtors, right?
  19. Green curry, not pictured, is my favorite.
  20. ROFLBOX was here.
  21. Why? Stop. Clicking.
  22. McFly

    Below Deck

    They’ve had a witness before. Can’t remember which season but think Eddie was a witness with Lee.
  23. You know how long it takes a woman to orgasm?
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