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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by McFly

  1. McFly


    Crime? It was a guilt trip to keep himself off the block. I don't think sexual preference or race should be a reason to nominate or evict, or should even be part of the game. Turner should never have said that to Michael. But Michael hoped he could use that to keep from being nominated. I don't fault Michael for it because Turner introduced it. I agree it's natural question after Turner made that comment. He's still trying to make him feel guilty and change his mind, by definition a guilt trip. Michael was clearly willing to do or say whatever it took to stay in the house, I don't blame him for that. Maybe that is why Turner said it in the first place, to keep Michael from nominating him. Regardless, it shouldn't be part of the game, even if that's what CBS wants to generate headlines and ratings.
  2. McFly


    Michael is far from the best player. He was good at competitions but that doesn’t make one great. Also I think you have to make final 3 to even be considered great. And I don’t care what Reddit guy says, Michael was 100% trying to guilt trip Turner or why even bring it up. The mens alliance was all bullshit. Michael had no intention of staying true to it and, obviously, neither did Turner or Monte.
  3. McFly


    Race Brother is back. It will ruin what was a great season.
  4. Is that a tablecloth? Oh la la mr fancypants
  5. McFly

    Below Deck

  6. McFly

    Below Deck

    Norma. It's always Norma
  7. McFly

    Below Deck

  8. Mainly fire safety.
  9. McFly


    What has Monte done? Didn’t read anything close to the dickhead duo’s bullshit.
  10. McFly


    Alyssa should get naked.
  11. McFly

    Below Deck

    Boo. Reddit killed the belowdeckpics sub
  12. McFly

    Below Deck

    and yet, fucks him in the shower. I think he's doing ok.
  13. McFly

    Below Deck

  14. McFly


    I hate when the hot girl goes first.
  15. Bc he irons a crease in his jeans?
  16. These look good. But recipe says baking powder and video says baking soda. It’s powder, right?
  17. Love their pizza. Pick a few up from the Kroger across the street whenever I'm in Dallas.
  18. Can't pause the Apple TV games. Live only. Sucks for those of us that can't watch live. and fuck having to watch commercials
  19. /no CR
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