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  1. He’s been a shill for the opposition Alpaca industry for years! SHAME SHAME SHAME
  2. The part where he kills all the vampires in the nightclub is lit af
  3. Read it again, smartypants. I’m against them in grocery stores. Nice job though!
  4. fat fuck
  5. If you ain’t repentin’ on your deathbed after a lifetime of buggery, sloth, and other generalized butthole pleasures, then what the fuck ARE you doing?
  6. Fuck you! I want this immediately, and NOLA is far. you can go to sHELL sir!
  7. It’s a dog friendly business. I’m an adult and care for my animals properly, at home and in public. I’m aware of my surroundings and always factor in dumbass motherfuckers doing dumbass shit. it’s good socialization for my dog, whether you believe that shit or not.
  8. Enjoy it brother! You've earned a day in Heaven after all the shit you've gone through lately. 162-0 still on the table motherfuckers
  9. His posting or his cirrhosis level day drinking?
  10. Bidi bidi BANG! BANG!
  11. When I go to Home Depot, im not typically picking out produce or buying food items to feed my family. Sorry, but there is a difference. I take my pup to Home Depot all the time, but shes well behaved, trained, and i prepare in advance to ensure no accidents indoors (like a fucking adult). ITS ALSO HOME DEPOT POLICY TO BE DOG FRIENDLY. The type to take their dog everywhere, is likely not the type to make sure they have done their business and wont bother anyone else with their behavior. I wouldn't take my dog to HEB for innumerate reasons, and I cannot see a good reason to take a dog inside a grocery store beyond its what "I wanna do and its my baby and i cant leave it alone!". There is a literal rule against it, and these people are violating that by using the cover of folks that actually have a physical need for a service dog. It's shitheel behavior, and again, not about the dog itself. Although those little yappy cunts can get absolutely fucked. Get a cat instead.
  12. If you know a better place to fleece people and rape children, they are all ears I am sure.
  13. Hey man, that bat wasn’t sick when I fucked it then ate it. Don’t put that Covid mess on me!!
  14. you've never seen it, so obviously it never happens. Guess you also just ignore/set aside the basis of this thread in the first place, is EMPLOYEES of the institution in questions saying they don't want dogs in the store. Animals being in active areas of food service is absolutely fucking stupid.
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