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Everything posted by hookemATL

  1. Reason eleventy billion that cops are pieces of shit. Psychos.
  2. Multi species morning at Lakeline Park in CP. really nice little lake with lots of action in all the spots we hit up.
  3. and yes, Mike Vick strangled, maimed, electrocuted and otherwise tortured innocent animals. But he has his own place in the pantheon of leftie athletes.
  4. Keep making jokes. The Southpaw Heritage Institute of Texas (SHIT) keeps track of all such online hate speech directed toward lefties.
  5. Yep. Us left handers have been discriminated against since time immemorial.
  6. My stomping grounds as a kid. We once fried an egg on the tennis court during summer camp.
  7. Not pictured is the puncture wound on my forehead where the dog and I went after the same header in backyard soccer and she won. There was a little blood.
  8. It’s a terrible place filled with mostly terrible people. I’d send her to Ukraine before BCS, and I’m only kind of kidding.
  9. RIP. That band was fire af.🔥
  10. The parents killed her. That much is obvious. The real question is how is Russia and/or the reverse vampires and the Rand Corp involved?
  11. You mean like the part where Mila Kunis and Natalie Portman make sweet love? You’re right, that could be a distraction.
  12. Putting up the surly signal for some help with a really sweet dog that needs a home. a little background: Stella was adopted out of the Bastrop county Animal Shelter in December of last year (believe she was 2-3 months old). She joined our other farm dog, Shiner, out at my folks place/farm. Very cute puppy phase, excitable and a bit hard to train, but very sweet and loving (gentle and great with my two young kids). however, over the past several months, she has made it a point to target and kill chickens and geese. Not sure if this is just a predator drive situation, but typically she just mauls them and plays with the corpse. We’ve had chickens taken by yotes before, this is clearly different. In addition, she’s taken to digging pretty large holes in and around the house which creates trip/fall hazards for my folks. the dogs have a comfortable dog run where they can chill while the birds are out during the day, but when they are let out at night/evening Stella goes ape and will dig/fuck with the chickens/etc the net of this is my folks have asked my help in finding a new, good fit of a home for this dog. She is very loving, active and I think could take training well (originally this dog was intended as a “gift” for my sister, but she hasn’t really made the effort to get this pup settled down a bit). I actually think she would do well in a home with a yard, as long as she gets the attention/walks that a high energy dog like this needs. This is not an aggressive or “problem” dog. I just think some dogs don’t work as farm dogs, and she just happens to be one of them. She’s about 45-50 lbs, and I don’t think she will get too much bigger. No idea on her breed mix, but she’s a gorgeous pup. anyway, any help/advice yall could offer would be wonderful. This is pretty difficult for me as I can help but love her very much. Photo bomb for attention.
  13. Damn right. These layabout kids in my house need some time in the foundry / sweatshop and start contributing to the family.
  14. Is it sexy or weird that this is my orgasm noise? Wife is not a political junkie so she never gets the reference…
  15. Someone strap some pontoons on Paula Deen and take the Forest Gump bench to higher ground!
  16. texdude2006? He was an avid red wings fan maybe? Maybe… or my early onset dementia is potato pancake in my pants.
  17. Go sports go! Come on Scottie🤘
  18. You see the little girl left the cups of water laying around because it helped defeat the aliens (who, despite this critical weakness came to a planet covered in water), and not because she WOULDNT PUT THEM IN THE FUCKING DISHWASHER LIKE I ASKED THREE GODDAMN TIMES. My dad despises his films (refers to him as m night shamalamadingdong) BUT he was pleasantly surprised by 6th Sense only bc Bruce Willis was dead the whole time (another entertainer he irrationally despises). The Happening should have been prosecuted in The Hague as a war crime.
  19. Now go back and waste your money again like a good American.
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