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Everything posted by hookemATL

  1. Arod was such a pussy ass motherfucker.
  2. Just got done with a round of ear infection for my eldest then strep for my 3yo. Fortunately quick recoveries, but there is def lots of icky going around (confirmed by pediatrician). Summer sick fucking sucks.
  3. Not even an @ to credit me for the inspo?
  4. I had to draw porno. Wasn’t great but I finished
  5. Toss a sepia filter on that and hang it in the fuckin Louvre. Just missing titties and beer. đŸ€˜
  6. Don’t they quite literally respond first to help get the power back on? I don’t see Glen Campbell doing fuck all, so maybe these guys deserve some credit.
  7. Holding fast here in Austin. BIG GUST (im talking at least 9mph) came thru and blew some flowers off my yellow bells. Watching it unfold is almost too much to bare, but we will carry on. household deaths: 0 pets consumed for calories: 0 loss of power/water: 0 t&p to all the fellow weather refugees<3
  8. pointing. she stopped when i told her to chill. She is good with cats, mostly just wants to play and treat them like another dog.
  9. The slight breeze blew some items out of my trash bin onto the curb. I’ve called emergency services and will post a gofundme link soon to help with my recovery
  10. Just bluster. Like bloods and crips throwing signs.
  11. LOLLLLL ok fair. I hate that creepy little frog.
  12. Richest Rich is the only child (real or imagined) that actually deserves to be molested. Annoying little fuckboi, worst cartoon ever.
  13. He will be the head coach of the Dallas Cowboys next season.
  14. This is the only mindset I want from the o-line. Love this clip.
  15. Rained hard right after I finished cleaning the truck, so all you Cedar Park surlyans (surlyites?) are welcome.
  16. Kill the buffalo. Who gives a fuck if you can only carry 50 lbs. I’m sure the natives won’t care.
  17. Can we set up a system of tubes/tarps/buckets and redirect some flow our way? You can be team lead.
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