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Everything posted by hookemATL

  2. Guy had inside position and he didn’t lead the receiver and a tentative throw. Bad.
  3. Dogshit throw. Fuck off sooner trash
  4. Then he is one. Not to mention the birtherism, which is as racist as it gets. And his father was a literal slumlord.
  5. That fucking worm would just slither his way up the steps since he has no spine
  6. Everything in this photo kicks ass but I really want the Oilers jersey and the driveway.
  7. If all these Congress Critters enter the portal, I hope we are in on some DL prospects. Fetterman plays with a mean streak and MTG (though undersized) is a bulldog in the trenches.
  8. Helping people is a good thing. These people needed help and the pastor helped provide that crucial assistance in a dire situation. Is that not enough? Why is it something so blatantly good/necessary so sharply scrutinized as to prevent that critical service from being provided at all? (Yes I know govt can fuck up a puppy party so it’s not surprising) It’s a NIMBY cocktail with a faux-Chrsitianity floater. I’m not a religious person in way, but seems the pastor is doing actual Jesus things. Make it make sense. and if shitting in the corner is so bad, why hasn’t my state mandated psychologist said anything about me doing it in my padded cell?!
  9. Fairly certain Kinne could have found a decent QB that was NOT a rapist, so in that sense yes he did have options.
  10. Sounds like you have an assignment to complete. make sure you include lots of star wipes in the videos. Bitches love star wipes.
  11. He was worthless after the initial pick. Totally lost all his juice after that.
  12. “Does have a little wang to it, doesn’t it?” also puberty me watched that movie and made it a point to study Fran Dreschers nude breasts intently.
  13. Gotta love the fat fuck pig pulling up late so he can get his licks in on the scary black man. FAC
  14. The internet connectivity in KC has been bad for years. This is a GREAT observation.
  15. Open faced breakfast sammich (at 11pm) on brioche. Cold leftover bacon on the side. I may have been high but you have no proof!!!
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