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  1. I will take the 2 tickets on the Aisle.
  2. My friend took that picture in Llano
  3. Here is a Pic from a Friend
  4. Heading down to SPI in a couple of weeks and we want to do some fishing. Looking to do both Bay and Offshore. Does anyone have a recommendation on a guide/ charter company to use?
  5. We live the in the same Neighborhood. Unfortunately there are a lot of aggies.
  6. I grew up in Brownwood and do not think I could move back due to the fact that it is 2-3 hours from any major city. I think I could move to a small town that is under 1 hour from a major city/ airport.
  7. I like to let them steam in a cooler with the dry seasoning. I also put a some in the water for the boil. I ended up using Zatarain's and they turned out pretty good. The Crawfish were good size that I got from Stuffed but it was a zoo picking them up on Saturday.
  8. I ordered 2 sacks from Stuffed Foods to boil tomorrow. So I will let you know. They did not have the graded select ones this weekend. What is you go to dry seasoning for a crawfish boil? I usually use Tony Chachere but I can't find the gallon jars of if in Austin and do not want to mess with the little ones.
  9. We have not had a good offense in 6-8 Years but I guess we have not had a good PG in a long time. DJ was last good one that I can remember.
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