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Everything posted by Doze

  1. Only for SEC and Notre Dame.....Errrybody else does
  2. Do you even lift bro?....I mean m'am?
  3. Maybe should wear this shirt to clarify.
  4. It wasn't just the tip....it wasn't just for a second....and it wasn't just to see what it feels like.
  5. Doze

    Christmas loot 2018

    Is HEB open and this:
  6. Along the same lines.... Mrs Doze could do this & opted for more CC's (no pics).
  7. ^^^^ I wonder if they offer holiday gift cards?
  8. So......towing companies are too expensive?
  9. Not sure why this venue doesn't get a big bowl. I know they have limited seating (for now), but they would fill that place to the top with 2 decent teams. Don't need much of a reason to go to Vegas.....not to mention legally Gambolllllling on your team!
  10. Thank you Surlyhorns for the wonderful advice and kind words. From Bidets to stepped on Xanax advice....this board has changed my life!
  11. A redeeming pic from one of my FB friends.
  12. He was all brandishing this: News really sucks nowadays. I try not to pay attention to any of it.
  13. Theorized? Does anyone know this group of people? The group of people that are saying that Craig James killed 5 hookers while at SMU
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