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Certifiably Surly
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  1. Actually tracked down a recap on CNBC (https://www.cnbc.com/2025/03/24/tax-revenue-collected-by-the-irs-set-to-plummet-report-says.html😞 So maybe not complete bullshit, but I'm skeptical that people would be this aggressive with their taxes - perhaps I'm just being naive, though.
  2. Yeah, I expect better from Rachel. Delaying receipts (what I would expect is the reality) is not the same as "more or less light[ing $] on fire." That piece from TPM / Josh Marshall seems to be just inflammatory dogshit that should not be passed along at face value.
  3. This is SOOOO worth a listen. My favorite part is here: So fucking spot on - we really are living Idiocracy. Just waiting for Elon to unveil "Brawndo for plants" and mandate that it be used on all U.S. farms once we burn all of our trade relationships to the ground.
  4. If this is an accurate, fuuuuuck ... I guess the partners gotta protect that $6.5m PPP, but if I'm an associate watching the firm agree to provide $40m in "pro bono" work for these gangsters, I think I'd start shopping my resume around.
  5. Fucking amazing ... "Yeah, we only lost one of our 5 kids, so it's definitely not that bad ... and she woulda been fine had we upped her dosage of fucking cod liver oil." See, this is the part of world history where we need the well-intentioned Bond/Mission Impossible villain to use this weaponized stupidity to cull the herd so that maybe, just maybe, we can avoid the pending environmental apocalypse.
  6. Aaaaaand how many of these lazy MFers are going to bother to vote in 2028? None? Yeah, well ...
  7. Kinda fitting that one of the worst stretches of road on the planet might end up bearing the Trump name. I mean, if they want to go there ...
  8. Shit, it's that easy to jab him in the face with something on a stick?
  9. Fuck it - just let Oklahoma literally burn.
  10. Keep waiting for the NSA and CIA to "fix the glitch" here, but nothing. Is it too much to ask that we wake to the news that Elon was found dead after a ketamine overdose (or perhaps polonium poisoning or defenestration to provide some poignant irony)? So much for the deep state ...
  11. ... but rest assured that regardless you'll pay 3x as much in increased costs due to tariffs (while the rich folks somehow end up paying even less as we eventually gut any progressive taxes in favor of regressive sales taxes / tariffs).
  12. Holy shit - I don't think this is going to turn out well for the protestors once the ICE brownshirts show up.
  13. Well played, Canada. Well played ...
  14. QFMFT ... I was told by the GQP that Russia just wanted a buffer between themselves and NATO, and Ukraine's ambitions of joining NATO were the cause for Russia having to "defend itself" by invading Ukraine. You're telling me now that Russia wants to be "on the border with Poland"? The hell, you say.
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