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Certifiably Surly
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  1. Because he's chased all the competent lawyers out of the DOJ and WH Counsel's Office already ... duh.
  2. Classic Ana non-response response. Do you want to respond to the valid concern that Big Balls and co lack a basic understanding of what they're fucking with (as well as any interest in informing themselves before they run in and start breaking shit)? Given their performance thus far, it seems likely that DOGE will end up spending a metric shit-ton to end up with something that's more fucked up than what we started with (while also jeopardizing ongoing payments and everyone's private data in the process).
  3. Keep it up, fuckers, and we're going to have a lot more of this running around ...
  4. At some point, they'll start doing this. I understand the impulse to try to avoid the economic harm if it's a modest give, but he's just going to keep doing this bullshit if they capitulate at all. They have to stand firm and make him back down, especially if they can all stand together, which seems to be the likely current play by Canada and the EU.
  5. Fuck these lying sacks of shit. The whole point is to undermine the argument that "Of course climate change is real - our own govt repeatedly acknowledges that it represents one of the biggest threats to our national security." With it out of the report, the GQP echo chamber will quickly move to "WTH are you talking about - it's not any any threat assessments!" mode.
  6. We sure this isn't an animatronic being controlled by Stephen Miller? If she's human, she's putting out real "they're holding my daughter at knife-point" vibes here. Normally, when she's on a roll, its seems like her heart is really in it - here she doesn't seem to be feeling it at all.
  7. My dream would be for Judge Boasberg to schedule hearings with the DOJ on the Signalgate case and the El Salvador flight case back-to-back to highlight the utter hypocrisy / lunacy of the positions of the Trump administration. Someone really deserves to get thrown in the clink for this bad faith bullshit, but it will never happen.
  8. Texags pretty much all the time these days: I dunno, geniuses, if I'm a Houthi leader / critically valuable to the Houthi cause and hear "Target Terrorist is @ his known location" and "1st strike window starts at 1345", I would view that as pretty important information, especially if I'm in relatively close proximity with other leadership with air defense assets nearby.
  9. Umm, when the Dems have to win the popular vote by ~3-4% to put a president in office, losing by 1.5% is ACTUALLY getting blown the fuck out.
  10. Ossoff is just going down the line laying bare what lying fucks all of these dipshits testifying today are. That was glorious. Definitely sound bite worthy dressing down there. Updated for a couple of portions of Ossoff going off - context was Ratcliffe and Tulsi had been explaining that the group chat was no big because there was no classified info being discussed on the chat. I'd love for someone like him to take over for Schumer.
  11. Pam thinks "words have consequences" in this dystopia that Trump and co have fostered? Bitch, please ...
  12. Pete seems kinda pissed off. I think I'd like to see pissed off Mayor Pete on the road with AOC and Bernie.
  13. Actually tracked down a recap on CNBC (https://www.cnbc.com/2025/03/24/tax-revenue-collected-by-the-irs-set-to-plummet-report-says.html😞 So maybe not complete bullshit, but I'm skeptical that people would be this aggressive with their taxes - perhaps I'm just being naive, though.
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