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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Gap03

  1. Pollees when asked questions about the Supreme Court:
  2. "In death a member of project mayhem has a name. His name is Scott Apley. His name is Scott Apley ..."
  3. Can someone explain to me why people who caught COVID because they weren't vaccinated (and who had no medical reason NOT to be vaccinated) aren't being wheeled out of ICUs in cases like this? It seems like a fair basis for triaging patients. If your ignorant ass wants to roll the dice, I guess Hot Wheels says that's your prerogative. That said, you shouldn't have the right to suck up limited medical resources, especially when you're putting everyone else at risk at the same time.
  4. Yeah, we do. #TeamThanos.
  5. Some gold in the responses to that tweet ...
  6. It feels like the appropriate response from Garland / the DOJ on this referral should also be "Dear Rand: Get fucked." I would love to see that on DOJ letterhead. In fact, I whole-heartedly endorse every response to Rand henceforth being "Get fucked."
  7. Where are Boyz N the Hood when you need them?
  8. Definitely bad, but not as bad this hack of a writer made it seem in the title: The facts are startling enough (100 F air temp same day last year) - I don't know why they have to go "Fox News chyron"-style bullshit in their stories.
  9. Please tell me this is sarcasm - this is America, so unfortunately I have to ask ...
  10. GOP / "Modern Christians":
  11. It'll be like 2021's "shall not be infringed" ...
  12. I'm coming around to the drone strike notion that someone had floated a few pages back ...
  13. From Wikipedia: Odal rune[18][19] (also used by the American-based "National Socialist Movement" since November 2016)[29] The fucking irony just won't stop ...
  14. Comments are so solid on the tweet ...
  15. Hopefully, this is the start of an unending barrage of releases of all the shit Trump knew and tried to sweep under the rug on behalf of his fascist dictator buddies ... https://thehill.com/homenews/news/540441-intelligence-report-will-single-out-saudi-crown-prince-for-approving-khashoggi
  16. That is just some sound business acumen on display right there. I mean, who hasn't wanted to take a broomstick to Vulvarine at least once over the last few months?
  17. Well, at least she doesn't have any kids ... what's that? 4 sons, huh? Oh, well maybe one of these days they'll "fix the glitch" for us.
  18. Finally a Fox News chyron I can get behind!
  19. Fucking "Rush Babies" are exactly why we're where we are ... fuck him and fuck her.
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