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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Gap03

  1. It's these fuckers: https://tnrising.org/why-do-we-oppose-mask-requirements-at-schools/ Probably more astroturfing by the Kochs and/or the DeVoses.
  2. Definitely going to have to work on bringing "Sky Daddy" into everyday usage here on the Surl.
  3. U.S. Supreme Court:
  4. If we could trade people that follow those Seven Tenets for the fucksticks on Texags and TigerDroppings, the world would probably be a much better place, but you keep claiming the moral high ground as a "Christian."
  5. Y'all Qaeda: "Hell, yeah - if'ns we're gonna get back to like thangs were in the good ol' days, we gotsta start makin' laws like we had in the good ol' days!
  6. Counterpoint: Pushing this shit on forums where they know there are a bunch of fucking angry incels has to have some consequences at some point.
  7. Along with voter suppression of anyone remotely off-white, that's the Texas GOP's secret sauce - getting the Clevons out to vote.
  8. I kinda like the idea of imposing a bounty system for violations of gun laws, if for no other reason than to point out the lunacy of the Texas civil penalty aspect of SB8. As someone else noted, you can bet your ass the Taliban wing of the Supreme Court would take up the case lickity-split. The trick would be to have it parallel the SB8 framework so precisely that even these fucking hypocrites couldn't find a way to distinguish the two cases - probably more difficult than it would seem given their recent history.
  9. Pretty sure that's by design - the Texas GOP don't want none of them uppity-type wimens comin' round here ...
  10. Charlie Sykes had a piece this morning that listed a bunch of the conservative radio assholes from which I have stolen the following: 5. Dick Farrel A West Palm Beach Florida radio host who died of COVID had also mocked medical experts. But as recently as July, Farrel wrote, “Vaccine Bogus Bull Shid!, Two peeps I know, got vaxed, now have Corona, hospitalized critical. Thank you Moderna, FOR NOTHING!’” He died in early August of COVID complications. 6. Jimmy DeYoung Jimmy DeYoung had also made a point of spreading skepticism about the COVID vaccine. He died in mid-August of COVID-19. 7. Marc Bernier Before he got COVID, Marc Bernier had called himself, “Mr Anti-Vax”. One of the last things that conservative talk show host did before he died of COVID was to send out this tweet: 8. H Scott Apley Forty-five-year-old H. Scott Apley was a member of the Texas Republican Party’s governing board. “I wish I lived in the area!” he wrote this spring about a “mask burning” party in Cincinnati. According to the Washington Post, he once replied on Twitter to a doctor’s post celebrating the effectiveness of Pfizer’s shots against the coronavirus: “You are an absolute enemy of a free people.” He remained a skeptic almost to the very end. Via the Wapo:
  11. Not in the med field, but as I understand it, COVID-19 causes unusual / excessive clotting. Pulmonary embolism - blockage in an artery going to lungs Saddle PE - blockage in the main pulmonary artery D-dimer - protein fragment that shows up in the blood when there are a lot of formation / breakdown of clots While I think that COVID has always created a lot of funky clotting issues that create issues in the lungs, kidneys, brain, etc., it sounds like the Delta variant has bumped this up a level.
  12. Nice attempt to "both sides" this one, but in my experience, 99% of the folks letting politicians' input factor into their medical decisions are Trumpkins. Might a Democrat have some concerns about a medical treatment endorsed by pieces of shit like DeSantis? Sure. If their doctor says its the best course of treatment, they're going to take it, though. Trumpkins? Not so much.
  13. Jesus christ, man ... Why isn't this shit getting more play? When we're talking triage, they should absolutely be taking this into consideration.
  14. This is not going to help the situation, wherever it hits, but the latest projections have a hurricane rolling into the Gulf Coast early next week, potentially as a major hurricane. Given all the hospitals in the SEC are chock full of COVID, this is going to raise some tough questions for hospital admin / doctors / nurses. If you need to move ICU patients, who are you going to move first? How many of these docs / nurses are going to want to stick around, especially given the constant barrage of stupid with which they've been confronted? In short, all of this is likely to get even uglier.
  15. I suppose setting something up at Tech was just a trial balloon for trying to make inroads at some place like UT, which provides a bit more legitimacy to the whole "think tank" thing. Congrats to them, I guess ...
  16. A think tank ... at Texas Tech???
  17. MAGA rebuttal: 1. If I have to think about ANYBODY ELSE in exercising my freedums, that's SOCIALIZM!1!! 2. Socializm is the debil. 3. I can do whatever I want. 'Murica.
  18. It's starting to become more clear why 538's projections are never right.
  19. FIFY.
  20. Anyone know if Ms. Gingrich is freakishly strong?
  21. I assume the debate in the TX leg went something like this ...
  22. Pescado_Rojo - care to share the name of said Karen? I agree with Brisket and the others - if she's not going to get a visit from Westlake PD, she needs to Find Out in other ways.
  23. If he was, in fact, vaccinated, my bad. Odds are generally in your favor assuming that a politician from Mississippi would not be vaxx'd, but I probably should have done some checking.
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