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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Gap03

  1. I'm looking forward to what pejorative names the rest of the world are going to come up with when the bird flu pandemic hits, originating from the California Central Valley and these dipshits' push for raw milk. Are they going to go Trump / low-brow style ("Hillbilly flu" / "Brainworm flu" / etc.) or go for something a bit more subtle? Something to look forward to in the next season of the simulation. I'm sure it won't hit until the Trump admin fully dismantles the CDC, so we have a little time.
  2. Unfortunately, it's not quite that easy because you have to get to a plurality, which means that you need to get a good chunk of the idiots without losing the rest of your voters. That works for the GQP because they have a rare mix of idiots / racists / misogynists that want to be lied to along with a craven group of greedy MFers that don't care if the GQP is lying nonstop to group #1. The Democrats unfortunately have principled citizens among their base that might just stay home if their representatives are incessantly lying. The trick is to get those voters to understand the implied "wink-wink, we don't believe any of this" while having the media help flood the zone with lies. It's a tough balancing act when you don't have an echo chamber that won't ask the obvious "why the fuck are you lying about obvious shit" question.
  3. Laughing in CEO - any economic scapegoat means profits go ...
  4. ** But back of the line when these dumb sonsabitches show up at the emergency room.
  5. Pretty sure the current Supreme Court will consider the President executing "traitors," even without a trial, an official act for which Trump will enjoy immunity. What could go wrong, huh? I'm sure those posthumous acquittals will make the families happy, though.
  6. This commentary coming from the party that brought you the Foxconn / Wisconsin deal. SMDH ...
  7. Hopefully, Elmo crosses the line and finds himself falling out a window, as often seems to happen in oligarchies ...
  8. No, no - tooooootally different. Here, it's going to be Christians running things - but doing the exact same shit ... so, uhhh ...
  9. I mean, it's just gambling with your medical license and freedom on a law written and likely to be interpreted by the same group of religious zealots - I'm sure the odds are in the doctors' favor, right? Ana is one disingenuous bastard if he says he'd have the balls to get anywhere near the fucking line here in Texas, which, as others have pointed out, is entirely by design. All in the name of plausible deniability for the Christian Taliban when it comes to the entirely foreseeable results of their POS law.
  10. Holy shit - are you from Sulphur Springs or Paris?
  11. Man, when did the Republicans and their shills become such pussies?
  12. And yet she apparently is not passing the Q purity test of never supporting Covid vaccines, so they're crying about that. (Plus, she's a woman so ... you know...)
  13. That's what we're talkin' bout ...
  14. Hey, dumb fuck - perhaps there's a reason people don't want to be in your town square?
  15. Naw. It has to be fucking excruciating and absolutely undeniable that the Republicans were responsible for them to feel any meaningful blowback. See the pandemic. At this point, I'm of the view that is has to be every bit as bad as feared for us to get out of this spiral.
  16. Jesus never really MEANT that part ... Anyone that bothers to quote that part ain't a real Christian.
  17. Fucking Joe and Mika ...
  18. If I didn't know better, after watching this, I would have thought the LegalEagle guy was Brisket. Holy shit - don't watch this before you go to bed because hearing all of this rattled off back-to-back will keep you up at night. I had started to laugh about shit in the Cabinet thread, but the schadenfreude isn't going to be enough to keep me going if all this ends up coming to pass.
  19. We should send him a "Sorry you didn't see this coming" condolence card.
  20. As long as the money ends up in the right pockets, I'm sure that's a win in their book.
  21. So you would prefer some Lindsay Graham-style theatrics? Look, I acknowledge that facts probably don't matter (said so right there in my post), but I'm thinking that this time that things might just get bad enough (and obvious enough) that some facts might make it through the almost impenetrable shell of the Republican echo chamber, and if so, some predictions on the record that prove true might help the dumbshits ultimately draw the right conclusion ... for once. Or not. This is America after all.
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