Am I the only one that thinks this is incredibly stupid timing? I expect the impact of the schools re-opening here in Texas to start hitting in earnest about a month after the schools open. Much like what we saw in Florida, many of the younger folks (party folks in Florida, students here in Texas) will end up being asymptomatic, so while we'll see a modest uptick in positive cases initially, it will take 3-4 weeks for the parents and older people to start catching it, at which point the cases will really start to tick up. Hopefully increased mask-wearing will keep it from being June / July all over again, but letting people cram into restaurants / offices seems like pouring gas on a small brush fire. If you look at the graphs at, you'll see that we're already starting to see things ramping up over the last few days - the weekly average cases/day had bottomed out at 2,682 three days ago, but has ramped up to 4,187 since. Perhaps just a blip in the data, but I just don't understand the timing of this move.