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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Gap03

  1. Am I the only one that thinks this is incredibly stupid timing? I expect the impact of the schools re-opening here in Texas to start hitting in earnest about a month after the schools open. Much like what we saw in Florida, many of the younger folks (party folks in Florida, students here in Texas) will end up being asymptomatic, so while we'll see a modest uptick in positive cases initially, it will take 3-4 weeks for the parents and older people to start catching it, at which point the cases will really start to tick up. Hopefully increased mask-wearing will keep it from being June / July all over again, but letting people cram into restaurants / offices seems like pouring gas on a small brush fire. If you look at the graphs at 91-divoc.com, you'll see that we're already starting to see things ramping up over the last few days - the weekly average cases/day had bottomed out at 2,682 three days ago, but has ramped up to 4,187 since. Perhaps just a blip in the data, but I just don't understand the timing of this move.
  2. I agree with Sydney. Regaining control of the Senate will be essential so that we can start to unfuck the federal judiciary, and there are a few races where money is likely to help - namely: SC (where Harrison seems to be surging), NC (where Cunningham is hoping to hold onto his lead and where we know the Rs will be up to some shenanigans), and ME (because we know that Mitch will likely continue to throw a lot of cash to protect his favorite pet, even though Gideon seems to have a significant lead). IA still seems to be a bit of tossup, but I'm not sure money helps there as much, and MT is still fairly close, but Bullock is already well known so I'm not sure that advertising (while cheap) is going to help him climb out of the whole he seems to be in.
  3. With MI, MN and WI all trending away from Trump (D+7 or better in each) and Biden's polling average above 50% in each, it seems increasingly unlikely that he wins any of those states. That means that Trump HAS to win FL and PA - AZ won't help. I agree that you just can't rely on FL, with DeSantis and his SOS, no matter what the polls say. It really boils down to PA. Marist (A+ poll) had Biden up +9 among likely voters, and the 538 polling average has had Biden at 50% +/- 1% since June, so I feel pretty good about that. If there are going to be shenanigans by Barr and co., they're going to be aimed at PA voters because the state officials in PA aren't going to be helping Trump.
  4. Watching that too. Erin is way too passive with these types of folks - it's just infuriating. We really need more Mehdi Hasans out there to shut down their bullshit.
  5. Come on 2020 - here's your chance to stop fucking around with us and ...
  6. That's a damn shame for Susan. That poll was from 9/10-9/14, with the first debate falling on 9/11. Most of the polls over the last month had Gideon up between 4-8 points, which makes it feel like Susan rubbed some Mainers the wrong way during the debate.
  7. That's correct - MI, WI and AZ get Biden to 269, at which point he needs either a stray EV from NE or ME or PA. AT 269, it goes to the House, where we'd get 4 more years of this shit.
  8. Not sure if this is accurate at all, but it would be consistent with JimmyJames' data point: https://virtualglobetrotting.com/map/alex-jones-house/view/google/
  9. We're going to have to break this one back out to make sure the climate change deniers understand why this is kinda a big deal, aren't we? By the way, (1) the whole segment above is spectacular so it's worth watching from the beginning and (2) fuck Steve Stockman and whoever appointed him to the House Committee on Science ...
  10. Not like this in my lifetime. He has definitely earned a spot on my upcoming "Piss on their Graves" tour - Trump, McConnell, Limbaugh, Barr, Rupert Murdoch, etc. I hope I don't have to wait too long.
  11. Is that a fucking Taliban fighter on the right side? Seriously, it feels like the pic could be Russian and Taliban troops with a Russian jet flying in support. Can you say Freudian slip?
  12. Lincoln Project continuing to try to push Dotard over the edge ...
  13. I'm confused - why would he be so proud of being endorsed by a bunch of suckers and losers?
  14. That part about Trump's interest in Hitler's speeches could make for a perfect Lincoln Project ad, especially if they can find some Hitler clips that show the similarity between their inflammatory rhetoric. Of course, Hitler used big words, so the impact on Trump's "hurr durr" base would probably be minimal.
  15. So you're saying it's the garage for Tina and her family?
  16. I'd love to believe that, but, ahem, ... https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/trump-approval-ratings/ As miserable a piece of shit as Trump has been over the last 4 years, his approval ratings have never been below 36.4%, and even throughout his debacle of a COVID response, the floor has gotten higher (40% for 2020). The additional 15-20% may not be full-on cult members, but they sure act like it.
  17. Jesus Christ - if you're going to try to whip up the dipshits with a conspiracy theory, perhaps you should remove the fucking link to the WaPo story on which he was commenting ... ahhh, who am I kidding, his audience is too fucking stupid to pick up on it.
  18. I'm pretty sure there would be abundant GoFundMe coverage if you ended up breaking down and ...
  19. Agreed. If we can't start getting it under control in the next few years, it's probably time to start making plans to become a Canadian citizen. Hell, in another 10 or 15 years, most of Canada will be nice and temperate.
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