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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Gap03

  1. Trumptard response on both: God bless 'Murica!
  2. The "KP George is from Kerala India ... Remember the Alamo!!!" comment is just fucking ...
  3. Didn't know that the Lincoln Project had "uplifting" in their repertoire, but this ain't bad ...
  4. Rest in peace, John. Fuck you once again, 2020.
  5. This is starting to get some traction.
  6. You fuckers really feel bad? Start recording every internal meeting. The only possible way to undo the damage that they've done is to have hours of audio of Hannity, Tucker, Laura and Lou relentlessly ripping the rubes that lap up their propaganda. And I'm still not sure that would break through the protective shell that they've created. But it would at least be a start ...
  7. Give it a couple of weeks.
  8. Meh ... a bit mild, but probably a fair place to start. Is it just my OCD, or does it bother anyone else that half of the time she's riding, she's on the wrong side of the road? What's up with that? /Seinfeld off
  9. Dude needs to stop skipping leg day.
  10. I think he lived in Marble Falls a few years ago. Not sure if he still lives there.
  11. Put slightly differently, Collins is absolutely full of shit, so nobody cares what she has to say anymore.
  12. Obligatory ...
  13. What's a little scary is people think that a basic mask is going to protect them when a jackass gets right up in their face and is screaming like that. If that guy is infected, he's projecting a plume of virus into her face, and that mask may or may not protect her. They should really give workers like her tasers because that could end up being lethal assault if she has any comorbidities. Plus I'd just love to see his bitch ass flopping around on the ground ...
  14. Hopefully the Lincoln Project (or someone with similar offensive tactics) will pitch in on some ads against Cornyn. His antics throughout this pandemic are begging to be put on blast, and as much as I generally abhor the back and forth negative BS, I think that going negative may be the best way to make up some ground here.
  15. I got you, fam - https://www.dps.texas.gov/director_staff/media_and_communications/pr/2020/0319a And you can check in here to make sure that the COVID-19 Disaster Declaration is still in effect: https://gov.texas.gov/news/category/proclamation Short version - you have up to 60 days after the Disaster Declaration to renew your license. Of course, what are the odds that the declaration expires 65 days before the election in November so that all us city folk have to risk catching the 'Rona at absolutely packed DPS locations to have proper ID to vote?
  16. Way to go, Texas. Our dipshit governor now makes the governor of MISSISSIPPI look like a fucking genius.
  17. I like hearing those sorts of medical opinions, but I'd like them to address some of the conflicting data - e.g.: the outbreak in at the Georgia YMCA camps (https://www.macon.com/news/coronavirus/article244158667.html) and the 1700+ cases in Texas daycare facilities (https://www.kvue.com/article/news/health/coronavirus/coronavirus-austin-texas-child-care-day-care-cases-update/269-49ec5dcf-d3d2-4c36-811a-59b1c1c2837b Maybe these numbers are small in the grand scheme, or perhaps it's the staff rather than the kids that are primarily getting sick. Either way, there does seem to be a fair amount of COVID being spread when you have a bunch of kids crammed together with adults, and I'd like to understand why that's not worth worrying about. Even if it's just the adults getting really sick, someone has to teach the kids, right? Count me with the folks that are more worried about the psychological impact of my kid's teacher dying of COVID than another 6-9 months of remote learning / facetiming / bubble socialization.
  18. Yeah, fuck Mueller and his decorum at this point. I'm not sure that anything good might come from putting anyone before the SJC again, but if they really want to drag someone up there, let's hear from Weissmann or one of the other lieutenants. At least they would be conversant with the investigation - though maybe best not to have Weissmann, given Lindsey would scream about him trying to cash in on his position with his book deal.
  19. Daaaaaaamn, Pete!
  20. Every time I hear her talk ...
  21. You know the answer to this - to "OWN THA LIBS"! It's the answer to the vast majority of the stupid shit they do.
  22. Texas GOP says not so fast, my friend. The question is whether Turner has his lawyers sandbag a bit and let them get the injunction. If these GOP dumbasses might actually learn something when 1/2 of them come down with COVID-19, it might be worth it. But who am I kidding - they'll throw out a conspiracy theory that Turner released coronavirus in the A/C system, and the Trumpkins will just lap that shit up ...
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