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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Gap03

  1. Seriously, it's just time to have coded voting receipts with a website available for verification. I've heard the arguments against (votes for cash, loss of secrecy, potential for receipt tampering, etc.), but between those and the risks of voting machine hacks, SOS / poll personnel chicanery, etc, it seems the least of all evils.
  2. Me have mini-strokes? That's unpossible!
  3. The polls would suggest that, among the remaining races, the best odds of a D win are: Maine - Gideon is pretty consistently polling at least +4, but the polls in ME aren't the highest quality + Collins always seems to pull things out. I would love for her to go down. Iowa - Greenfield has been polling at +2-3 recently, but the most recent high quality poll (Monmouth) had Ernst +1 at the start of the month. Alaska - Not much data here, but Gross (D) is definitely trending. Georgia - The polls have Ossof having a shot, but he'll have to overcome GA's voter suppression machine. Not a great chance, in my opinion. Montana - Not sure what has happened here, but Bullock's momentum has stalled, and Daines has been up consistently in recent polls.
  4. I look forward to the Trumpy Youth training videos, with all the production values of an ISIS / Al Qaeda vid (but perhaps with more banjo and fiddle) ...
  5. The fucking gaslighting is so thick now there is just no hope of de-programming 30% of the country.
  6. At 0:05, showing off the verbal skills and general mental acuity that earned him the nickname "Teen Sling Blade" ...
  7. If you're fucking with us, prepare to get neg-blasted to Bolivia ...
  8. I understand this pragmatic view point, especially if test results are still taking a week to turn around. My problem is that people may interpret this shift in guidance as, "Hey, I'm not really a risk to anyone if I don't have symptoms" and head into the office in the fall, even though they should be quarantining. If they're going to go down this path, they should at least reiterate that people should quarantine if they've been in close contact with someone that has tested positive and acknowledge why the position has changed (i.e., by the time you wait a week to test + a week for results, you'll either be symptomatic or non-contagious by the time you get the results). Of course, that would involve admitting that our testing regime is shitty, and they'll never do that, so here we are.
  9. The WH takeover of the CDC seems to be nearing completion. The CDC is now indicating that asymptomatic people that have been in contact with COVID-infected people need not get tested - a position that seems right out of Trump's "we need to stop testing so much so that we can get the numbers down" playbook. When coupled with the GOP pressure to get kids back into school no matter what, it's becoming increasingly clear that we're going to get hit hard in the fall. While they may have some luck in suppressing case numbers in the short term, people are going to start showing up in the hospitals at some point before the election. They really are some incredibly short-sighted, stupid fucks.
  10. DOn'T FoRGeT tHe ZInC!1!
  11. You sure they're not moving her to the finale?
  12. That bottom one is a bit unsettling. I didn't run it through Google translate for fear of getting cursed, but it definitely sounds like a mix of Russian and witch.
  13. "Capable of being gotten upon" = "Onherable" See - just a typo ...
  14. A video posted on social media shows a white Kenosha police officer shooting a black man as he gets into a vehicle on the city's north side at 40th St. and 28th Ave. early Sunday evening. The victim was flown to a Milwaukee hospital. A police department news release said the man was in serious condition. The incident set off a fury in the neighborhood and extra officers and Kenosha County Sheriff's deputies were called to the scene. The brief video clip shows two officers, at least one with his gun drawn, following the man around the front of a SUV as people are screaming in the background. As the man gets in on the driver's side, seven or eight gunshots ring out. An officer pushes a woman away from the vehicle. The clip ends. It's not know if the man who was shot was armed. Neighbors said the man's children were present. The release said officers were called to the scene for a domestic incident. Stories at the scene varied--one said the man was trying to break up a fight. One witness said it appeared one of the officers had tried to 'taze' the man. Police cordoned off a large area of the street, then silently stood along the yellow tape while groups of people yelled at them. One woman told a reporter, "The police are trigger happy. Black lives do matter and they need to understand that." As night fell, a much larger crowd gathered and started chanting. https://www.wgtd.org/news/video-kenosha-police-shoot-man-racial-tensions-inflamed
  15. Yeah, apparently happened in the last couple of hours. What the fuck is wrong with cops? Shit's going to start up all over again, just in time for Trump to ramble on for hours about this at the RNC. Splendid.
  16. Here you go ...
  17. HO-LEE-SHIT. That was glorious. I may go back to my distaste for Schmidt after the election, but dude definitely has a way with words. Then again, it wouldn't surprise me if he had already prepared that diatribe for the day that he could bait Marco and Ted into the same Twitter spat. Regardless, kudos to him.
  18. This one kinda makes me wanna run through a wall ...
  19. Lincoln Project, keeping up the good work ...
  20. The GAO should send its goon squad in to drag Wolf and Cuccinelli out of their offices and haul them off in rented minivans. What's that? The GAO doesn't have a goon squad? Welcome to the banana republic!
  21. Undoubtedly - but the open carry folks probably need to start getting nervous if the standard is that you can provoke shit and gun someone down as soon as anyone with a gun starts to react.
  22. Trumptard response on both: God bless 'Murica!
  23. The "KP George is from Kerala India ... Remember the Alamo!!!" comment is just fucking ...
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