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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Gap03

  1. Fucking Roberts plays to the crowd with an Aaron Burr history lesson in the wake of Hamilton showing up on Disney Plus. He really does care about his popularity ...
  2. Funny, that's what I told myself every time I watched one of Dotard's press briefings ...
  3. That is amazing. They should throw that thing on a map to drive the point home. Poor California is in some shitty company.
  4. She must have gotten some pepper spray to the face at one of the protests - the milk is supposed to help a bit.
  5. JFC - this is basically a COVID-19 party for teachers. We don't pay teachers enough for this shit.
  6. "Supreme Court - you have a problem with that? You know what you should do? You should sanction me - sanction me with your army. Oh - wait a minute, you don't have an army ...
  7. This was from last week and includes some details on the breakdown in cases at Texas daycare facilities - 894 staff members and 441 children. The fact that fewer kids seem to be getting infected than staff members could be explained one of two ways - (1) kids really don't get infected as much, but when you have a few infected kids in a closed facility with A/C, a lot of adults end up getting sick; or (2) infections among kids may just be getting underreported because many are asymptomatic. Either way, the problem would seem to be that once we open schools, a lot of teachers + a lot of parents / family members are going to end up sick as kids get sick. It may be the case that serious illness among kids is pretty rare - at this point I don't think we really know if kids getting exposed to increased viral loads could result in worse illnesses among kids than we've seen to date. Regardless, it feels like the Texas and Israeli experiences suggest that at a minimum sending kids to schools will result in an increase in viral vectors that will make getting control of the virus (i.e., in particular, reducing patients in ICUs) significantly more difficult.
  8. Perhaps they associate the Exxon Valdez with the Texas O&G industry?
  9. Is @Brisketexan Tim Miller, or is Tim Miller just plagiarizing Brisket?
  10. That would make sense, given he keeps yelling "I FEEL THREATENED" for the camera. Chances that he is (or was) a cop? Probably >50%, given the "I feared for my life ..." training on display here.
  11. That's Texas that California hates. Illinois is the only state that hates Indiana. Not even Pence and his conversion therapy lunacy can get Indiana on California's radar.
  12. As a reminder that the current timeline is being controlled by some soap-opera quality producers: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Barr
  13. ... and when she dies first, we'll have to continue to presume her innocent for all time - along with anyone for whom she arranged "massages." Yeah, that's the ticket ...
  14. Ehh, just keep him in genpo and this will work itself out well inside of 10 years.
  15. Nice touch that the guy bringing the donuts is a serial murderer.
  16. His base is definitely cutting him off at the knees with their response.
  17. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
  18. Not to mention that Berman seems to be a lifelong Republican based on his contribution history: https://www.fec.gov/data/receipts/individual-contributions/?contributor_name=Geoffrey+Berman&contributor_occupation=Attorney&max_date=12%2F31%2F2020 Shit doesn't hold together, but the tinfoil folks never let facts get in their way.
  19. It's in page 3 of your "The downfall of Lindsey Graham" thread - but you've been warned. You'll never get the image out of your head.
  20. Anyone that shows up for that one deserves what they get ...
  21. The ECU poll has been the most R friendly one for this race. Previously it was at Cunningham 40% / Tillis 41% while Fox (A-), Siena (A+) and PPP (B) have Cunningham up by 2%, 3% and 4%, respectively. In North Carolina, I definitely agree with your R+3 correction factor.
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