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Benny Netenyahu *69

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Everything posted by Benny Netenyahu *69

  1. On a scale of 1-11 how do most people rate Arabs? 9 out of 11.
  2. True, but I'm talking about one that won't be shot up ehhh broken up by the ATF at SeigeatMountCarmelFest lmao
  3. Another one that comes to mind is David Koresh's Waco lol
  4. I would suggest Women's Rights as a potential band name, but I highly doubt that they would get any gigs lmao
  5. Actually while I'm on that topic.....wasn't it a Sea Aggy who was the captain of the Exxon Valdez back in the late 90's? If so that explains A LOT lol
  6. Hey so since the Sea Aggys do security for things at sea I guess they fucked up in spectacular, and typical Aggy fashion back when the BP oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico blew up lmao
  7. .....you mean Johnny Manziel?
  8. This particularly rare yet extremely useless cologne smells like no championships, crushed dreams, Owen Long's jockstrap sweat, and the tears of orphan children lmao
  9. Well I might not know this particular fellow good sir, but if I did I would have to say that he suffers from not only Stage 5 baby penis syndrome, but also from a severe case of mental retardation. My advice: tell this autismo supremo to stop being such a baby dick and grow a pair and enjoy the things that make Vegas Vegas instead of the things that the AARP crowd enjoy because they can't get it up anymore.
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