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Everything posted by NBHorn7

  1. Texas has to be near the top in the country in hitting batters.
  2. Chamberlain going to catch instead of Schuessler is kind of interesting. I guess they think it a better option than somebody else playing first.
  3. Have to close the wicket and at least knock that down and you get the out. He knows that and shows the frustrations.
  4. Tough on the injuries, doesn't seem too serious, yeah rest the guys, take care of business and get ready for bigger fish to fry.
  5. Two out rallies not going away.
  6. Wild Bunch were in section 2 and Incaviglia was being heckled by the entire Texas bench, and he walked over to the dugout and challenged them to come out and fight him. After the Texas win, this guy who nobody knew came down from the upper deck and went down to the railing by the OSU dugout. He was yelling at the OSU players, and somebody grabbed him and over the fence he went, and the players started beating the hell out of the guy. Most of us were either in the aisle or at the top near the exit tunnel watching this, I was still in the aisle. Out of the Texas dugout came a running Billy Bates and when he got to the fracas one OSU coach turned around and started to hit him with a bat till, he saw who it was. Then the UT cops got there and broke it up and arrested the guy. After the game in the parking lot when the players started coming out, Billy came over and I asked him. Billy why did you come out and try to get into that. He told me he was getting undressed in the locker room when a manager told him and the team that the OSU players and coaches were beating the hell out of some Wild Bunch guy, and I came out to help. I told him nobody had ever seen this guy before and had no idea who he was. Funny thing was that a few weeks later Scott Wilson, me and some others were going to a road series somewhere, might have been Arkansas, we were waiting to change planes in Dallas, and we saw that guy and we walked over and talked to him and asked about what he did. He said he was pretty drunk and sitting upstairs with his son and that's why he did it, but he would never do it again.
  7. LSU hangs on for a 2-1 lead. MSU stays with the growing number of teams with one SEC win.
  8. Review at first looks like it's going to go Florida's way, and they win their first SEC game.
  9. Florida trying to see the Ole Miss meltdown and raise them with another of their own. Bases loaded two outs still 11-8. This DH is full of meltdowns.
  10. MSU and LSU tied at 1-1 in the fifth.
  11. He was like 6' 9" and built like one of those Greek athletes' statue. He was really cut.
  12. Aggy won, they may be better than somebody in this conference. I bet texags thinks they are on their way to Omaha again.
  13. Going to be a long day tomorrow. Would like to shave off some innings like tonight.
  14. He caught it, make this last longer.
  15. Gasparino added 15 pounds of muscle and still looks like a bean pole. He could add a lot more.
  16. Burns looking like he did last time against UTSA.
  17. We should have gone to Howard. Kind of an ugly finish.
  18. That looks like Mr. Burns coming in, thought they wouldn't use somebody like him
  19. Get one more out and get Spencer out of the game. I think we can spare somebody out of the pen to close it out. I still vote for some more Howard Mania.
  20. If they score these guys are going to go nuts.
  21. I might take Spencer out now, he's got the win, why take any chances. Bring Howard in and see if he can pitch two good games in a row.
  22. Somebody throw the towel!
  23. Galvan is the reincarnation of Speedy Gonzales tonnight.
  24. Little Canada, MN this guy's hometown, that just sounds cold.
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