Back in the day, I used to be able to go down in locker room after games. Roger Clemens was pitching one game and did well. On a ground ball to first base, Roger had to cover the bag. Sitting in section 2 like always I had a clear view of the play and thought the runner had spiked Roger on the play.
Roger was kind of different, to say the least, he just went back to the mound and kept pitching, no trainer came out. After the game I went down and saw Roger sitting there. I said Roger didn't that guy spike you on the play you covered first base. He just looked up at me and pulled up his pants leg and took down a bloody sock. You could a spike mark all the way to the bone, it was nasty. I said Roger you need that looked at and he just said that that he would after he showered. I just smiled at him and shook my head. Doug Hodo saw it and he smiled and said, "that's just Roger."
The point is that the double bag not only prevents collisions but getting spiked by runners coming down the line.
The double bag system at first can only help the game. Why is that bad?