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Bill Clinton

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Everything posted by Bill Clinton

  1. 1. Obama lied: he knew about Hillary’s secret server and wrote to her using a pseudonym, cover-up happened (intent to destroy evidence) https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/31077#efmAABABT https://vault.fbi.gov/hillary-r.-clinton/hillary-r.-clinton-part-03-of-04/view
  2. You lefties obsess over fox news. It's total shit. It is 100% controlled opposition programming. Nobody watches that trash. The propaganda makers "aim higher" for conservative outlets to steer the opposition where they want.
  3. I'm not the one cheering on violence in the streets against political opponents. It's just hilarious that you think a bunch of starbucks hipsters are going to take on active and ex-military as well as active police. Have you ever been to a "license to carry" class? How many voted for Trump and old are those people? They don't watch fox news, nobody watches shitty MSM anymore. Although your black lives matter buddy in Dallas did take out 5 police officers, I don't think these goobers have the same discipline. I don't want to see any violence from the political entertainment on the tele vision programming. That's what the globalists want. Hugo calls 'em Russians. Anyway, I suggest you read this book. https://www.amazon.com/When-Violence-Answer-Learning-Takes/dp/0316354643/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1530019612&sr=8-1&keywords=tim+larkin
  4. 3rd or 4th thread but whos counting. Name recognition and ability to collect money is most important to the Democratic Party. They aren't trying to win 2020, they are trying to rebuild and collect cash. Funny how nobody has even hinted at running, it will probably be Mrs. Clinton again if her exo-skeleton gets upgraded a bit slimmer.
  5. lol MAD MAX got so happy once she jumped in the elevator with her goons to push away this disgusting reporter. "be civil and stop asking questions" is precious coming from this loon. https://bigleaguepolitics.com/watch-laura-loomer-confronts-maxine-waters/
  6. Wearing the maga hat gets you 10 high fives to 1 triggered. Most people aren't in the "do or die" political stance. The lefts unending negativity is repulsive and doubling down on everything is going to backfire, bad. One side allows free speech and respects all arguements. One side censors and labels those who dare argue against their side.
  7. Lol snopes http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4042194/Facebook-fact-checker-arbitrate-fake-news-accused-defrauding-website-pay-prostitutes-staff-includes-escort-porn-star-Vice-Vixen-domme.html Can't wait for indictments to begin to be unsealed.
  8. They are corrupt and incompetent. We should give them more money and power.
  9. Bill Clinton


    http://www.foxnews.com/world/2018/06/25/protesters-swarm-irans-grand-bazaar-in-tehran-force-shops-to-close-in-anger-over-economy.html Protesters swarm Iran's Grand Bazaar in Tehran, force shops to close in anger over economy
  10. She's brain dead. Love it. She should run for president.
  11. Independents and centrists aren't attracted to a candidate. They are repulsed from a candidate. Dems double down on immigration and guns push more to the right than Trumps moves could.
  12. Anybody figure out an explanation why her husband was wearing a wierd rat mask?
  13. Peaceful non compliance. No birth certificate. Alternate money system. Never register anything or pay any taxes.
  14. You sound like you are about to go an hero.
  15. https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-06-21/former-secret-service-agent-files-rico-suit-against-clintons-soros-podesta-brock involving illegal domestic human and electronic surveillance, and tradecraft such as “lures” run at Byrne in order to obstruct the Hillary Clinton e-mail and Clinton Foundation Investigations by the agencies of the Obama government, Hillary Clinton and certain other Enterprise named and unknown named, and high-level surrogates, colluded with Russian intelligence (SVR and FSB) took illicit advantage of a previously inviolate structural arrangement (between all three branches of our government) codified in the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (“FISA”) by arranging for payment through smear merchants Fusion GPS to the Russian SVR and FSB and British (former) agent Christopher Steele (“Steele”).
  16. https://twitter.com/JamesWilarUpton/status/1009944549274324993
  17. Plus the Strzok texts aaahhha JA has been dead since October 2016 bub.
  18. How about social media bias?
  19. Is there a gas-lighting thread? "what our assessment is of the present, is in fact what it began spontaneously in Benghazi as a reaction to what had transpired some hours earlier in Cairo, where of course as you know there was a violent protest outside of our embassy sparked by this hateful video." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6oOxAyU8QwM
  20. *illegal Immigration *Obamacare *Right to self defense Holy shit please focus on these three thinking you will flip congress! https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2018/jan/22/shock-poll-us-wants-massive-cuts-legal-immigration/
  21. http://archive.is/iQW0b Wow the tolerant left really cares about children!
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