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Bill Clinton

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Everything posted by Bill Clinton

  1. Even anti-Trump Ben Shapiro's news outlet is giving Trump admin praise for going after human trafficking. The exact opposite of your statement is Truth. https://www.dailywire.com/news/14176/sex-trafficking-arrests-soar-under-trump-msm-joseph-curl https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/president-donald-j-trump-working-end-human-trafficking/ https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/president-donald-j-trump-proclaims-january-2018-national-slavery-human-trafficking-prevention-month/
  2. I guess file this under "whatever". Why don't we have gogreenglobal just build x-ray scanners instead of a border wall and just have people file their written statement for why they are coming into the country and emiliniate boarders all together? This guy wants to be governor once he talks to some masterminds and computer scientist about how to track people with x-rays.
  3. Article 13 - the real internet killer, for the EU. Requires all social media to perform automatic filtering of all content. Bye bye EU surly users. https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/news/eu-article-11-13-latest-gdpr-link-tax-internet-juri-censorship-a8407566.html
  4. Holy shit the testimony was breddy horrible today. Interesting how pathetic and obviously politicized the leadership of the FBI was.
  5. You crossed borders at entry points, not illegally. You bring children to the middle of the desert and cross a border fence and see what happens.Try it into Canada, they will detain you and split you up to figure out who you are. Call me what you want, you know I'm correct. More hilarious q shit. Is there a q thread? https://image.ibb.co/mYLa7y/1529451171724_pol.jpg
  6. Lol Q clearance gets all the 30 year old boomers fired up huh, great stuff. https://image.ibb.co/nNauHy/1529465588655_pol.png
  7. We will always have World Champion hand egg and basketball.
  8. So are the tariffs good or bad for America? How about China? What if we take their North Korean puppet and embolden Taiwan to split completly and permanently from China?
  9. I'm not innocent You are not innocent No one is innocent
  10. Im logical. If they bring their family legally across a point of entry claiming asylum they aren't seperated. If they hop the border with children they are apprehended and seperated until it can be figured out who everyone is. They are sent home with thier kids if they entered illegally. Its the law. Its setup to prevent criminals from taking advantage of children. You are inhumane for thinking we shouldn't stop coyotes raping women and children, or human traffickers from selling people. Thats what this thread is about.
  11. No, thats the law enforcement answer to human trafficking. Illegal border crossings must be treated like this to prevent smugglers from bringing in kids they have kidnapped, for the reasons detailed above.
  12. Children being ripped from their families at the border? 1. They are separated to determine if the people taking them across the border illegally are actually their parents or some kind of human trafficker going to sell them as sex slaves to some rich pedophile. 2. No separation occurs if the crossing occurs legally. If they simply present themselves at one of the 18 legal crossing checkpoints, no separation occurs. Back to point 1, human trafficking and smuggling is a HUGE fucking problem. Many children are kidnapped solely because having a child with you gets you a free pass in to the USA. Whenever someone crosses illegally with a child, there's no way of telling if that child is actually theirs, or if the child was kidnapped for an insurance policy in case they were caught, or if the child was kidnapped and is being smuggled as part of a human trafficking ring to be sold off. The separation MUST occur to find out because if the child isn't questioned away from the "parent" or "hostage taker" whichever it may be, the child is not going to tell the truth. They will be intimidated by the kidnapper who will have told the child they will be killed or their parents killed if they do not swear that the kidnapper is their legal guardian. Once they are separated and the child can be put at ease, given food, and water, gets to sit and watch cartoons in a comfy processing station, etc. they will be more likely to overcome any fear they may have of the kidnapper and tell the truth. Especially after being questioned multiple times about things like how long they have known the kidnapper, where they were born, how many siblings do they have, etc. They can cross answers with the kidnapper even if the child is too scared to tell the truth and see if the stories and answers match up. Of course nobody will bring this obvious point up in the seven illegal immigration anti-Trump threads.
  13. Israel/America first. Anti-Semites on the UN human rights council be damned. https://forward.com/fast-forward/403543/us-plans-to-quit-human-rights-council-over-anti-israel-bias/
  14. https://mobile.twitter.com/PoliticalEye17/status/1009115546485325824
  15. No way a shithole MSM outlet is anti-Trump! Imagine my surprise! http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2016/01/27/fox-news-worse-than-liberal-media-to-donald-trump/
  16. Yeah the preface of the book is really interesting too.
  17. http://news.trust.org/item/20180619133252-9t8jz
  18. https://www.wsj.com/articles/donald-trump-readies-new-tariffs-for-china-1529365844 How do you reconcile this Hugo? Donald Trump Threatens New Tariffs on $200 Billion in China Imports President says if China retaliates to additional tariffs, he would place further tariffs on Chinese goods, up to a total of $450 billion
  19. Couldn't this have been done during this? 1/9/2018 https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2018/01/09/trump-meets-congressional-leaders-immigration/1016369001/ But congress is fucking corrupt. Both sides are complete garbage. GOP wants cheap labor, Dems want more big government voters.
  20. Lol, didnt realize the pictures circulated were during the Obama admin? Hilarious.
  21. Only CIA spyware allowed if you want to sell the phone here. Come on China.
  22. What is new is not handing them off to human traffickers. https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/obama-administration-placed-children-with-human-traffickers-report-says/2016/01/28/39465050-c542-11e5-9693-933a4d31bcc8_story.html?utm_term=.d862b488a363
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