Can you count sucker's! The future is ours...if you can count! Look what we have here before us...we have the socialists, next to the communists...we've got antifa..right next to the fascists..nobody is wasting nobody..and that is a miracle..and miracles are the way things ought to're standing now with 9 delegates from over 100 left wing groups and there's over a 100 more. That's 100,000 hardcore members. 250,000 counting affiliates and 50,000 more living in their parents basements not organized, or in shape, but willing to fight...can you dig it? Can you dig it? Can You Dig It!!!!
Now here's the sum total...the Democrats could run this party. Nothing would move, smoke or drink anything unhealthy without us allowing it to happen. We could tax the people to death, the corporations, the rich, because we have the government suckers!. Can you dig it.
The problem in the past is the politicians have been turning us against one another. We have been unable to see the truth, because we have been fighting over handouts...our handouts, our little piece of money...that's crap brothers! the money is ours by right, because it's our money.
All we have to do is keep up the general truce. We take over one city at a time. Secure our our stuff...because it's all our stuff!