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Everything posted by ScottishHorn

  1. Well at least a voice of honor, integrity and ethics has spoken out
  2. I can imagine Trump sitting next to Putin and whispering to him to just wait until after the election when he can really help him out.
  3. It's a terribly bizarre show. the beginning is ok...the first 29 minutes or so but then it degenerates into a mass of routine crap we have all seen before, probably with the last confrontation being the worst. It's like they were running out of time and budget and needed to end it quickly. The most interesting character (chick/car mechanic) is only in it for about 25 minutes
  4. I can't believe I'm getting dislikes for the Russians to stand trial.
  5. Correct. What's your point? I'm not a supporter of Bush and did not vote for him. His tax cuts were not corporate related.
  6. People are people. Everyone has biases. There are many, many examples of cases where evidence was manufactured, suppressed, etc....at the Federal level, by the justice department and fbi
  7. A bunch of racists. It's not like the occasional rape or beheading is that big a problem. It's all part of being a progressive society
  8. It's funny you believe that
  9. I cant wait for all the Russians to show up and stand trial
  10. It doubled again during Obama's 8 years
  11. That's not what I'm saying at all. Why dont you read some if the financial reports for the 2nd quarter from some S&P 500 companies and you might see what im talking about
  12. Of course he did, his military spending was off the charts
  13. People like you. Republican and Democrats alike, are against cutting spending. There is plenty of tax revenue to support our nation. I'm taxed at 45% if you throw in all my tax liability. Is that not enough for you?
  14. I'm not for farm subsidies. I was just pointing out they were out there and they may receive them to offset pricing issues. I'm for cutting all spending
  15. The deficit is expanding because of spending, not the tax cuts. Tax revenue keeps breaking records every quarter. You could argue the tax cuts are the one positive of the trump administration. Corporate earnings are up 20%. This factor hasn't even hit the markets yet and wont until later this year. We have a spending problem, not a revenue problem.
  16. Corn, Soybean, rice and wheat farmers receive billions in subsidies every year. I imagine the farmers will be assisted in some way to compensate for any price fluctuations like they always have
  17. If we went back to a true republic, you would have the state/little country you wanted and wouldn't concern yourself with the country as a whole as much.
  18. I don't think one ever seen someone often themselves so badly before. This is an impressive post. Well said
  19. Then indict him and get over with it. Complex finance investigations dont take this long with all the pieces in place.
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