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po elvis

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Everything posted by po elvis

  1. Aggy’s unparalleled futility in all major men’s sports is the greatest needling material for any rivalry out there. The importance to keep that in tact can not be overstated. I have 100% faith that it will continue in this World Series.
  2. Doug Hodo’s dad, Doug Hodo, was sort of on the football team. He was practicing with them because they were short on running backs. I believe this was Metcalf’s freshman year.
  3. horrendous at bat by Worrell. don't even try to hit the two pitches that we were forced to throw down the middle.
  4. I imagine the number of men that these 24 women have given happy endings to is way, way, way over the number one.
  5. So his 10 QBs add up to much less than half of what Matt Ryan’s career earnings are by himself. Good job.
  6. Its pretty high up there in what went wrong in this specific case. I don't blame a teacher at all for being complacent and not thinking something like this was going to happen though, because the chances were close to zero. But going forward, there has to be an abundance of caution and a vigilance. I imagine campus police has seen doors propped open before and just walked by not thinking twice.
  7. Now imagine her with a mask on all the time. Seems like it is so easy to be on the lam these days. Maybe don’t even have to go to Mexico anymore.
  8. She should have died her hair and went to Mexico immediately.
  9. An understandable and reasonable rage caused by the actions of the “victim”.
  10. There was a 30% rise in murder rate in this country from 2019 to 2020.
  11. Here are the questions I want to hear the answers for from the police: 1. How many officers initially arrived at the school? 2. How long did they engage the shooter before he went into the class room? 3. When the shooter locked himself in the class room, how long was it before he started shooting inside there? 4. When your officers heard the succession of shots accompanied by screams and cries, what did the officers do to try and gain access to the class room? 5. If they tried to get in the class room, what kept them from being successful? 6. What were your officers supposed to do in that situation? Did they have orders to wait for a SWAT team? 7. How long did the shooting occur in that class room?
  12. Man seems like I was just there at the WSOP getting knocked out 3 straight times with my pocket kings. Let’s do it again!!!
  13. husband of one of the teachers that was killed passed away today from a heart attack.
  14. there was no pursuit. he crashed it on his own, probably from the adrenaline from just shooting his grandmother and being on his way to the school.
  15. but the shooting itself? was the shooting done in two minutes and the guy was sitting there for the next 40-60 minutes?
  16. how long exactly did the shooting go on for? I wouldn't imagine it would take more than one, maybe two minutes for the shooter to do what he did in an enclosed classroom with 25 people. were there shots for 2 minutes and then 30 minutes of nothing?
  17. I did hear a story of a dad who was in the area who broke out a window and got his kid and some other kids out of another room.
  18. Yup. All of us have bullied people in our lives. All of our children have. We all contribute to this. Look at this site. It is full of people bullying on one hand and pointing fingers on the other. But I honestly have no clue how you get kids who are not mature to act mature towards other kids. Its always going to be there. You really have to start with the band aid of restricting access to these guns and then hope you can do something about the root cause at some point.
  19. A lot of rumors going around in Uvalde (obviously), but a Uvalde senior told me that their "Senior Walk" to all the schools in town, including Robb, was yesterday and this guy might have thought it was today and wanted to target the seniors. I am not really buying that though.
  20. My GF's niece and her class were in the cafeteria at the time and heard gunshots. They ran out of the school and a lady in a house across the street wrangled them in and locked the doors. There was an hour between when we heard the school was on lockdown with an active shooter and the call from my GF's brother that she was ok. Fortunately our tears came from the fact that she made it.
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