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po elvis

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Everything posted by po elvis

  1. My limited experience I like Oahu better. It’s just plain gorgeous, driving out to Kailua and then up to North Shore. I’m laying on Kailua Beach right now under some trees and it’s spectacular. I didn’t find a beach in Maui I liked as much as this one. Though if your goal is find a resort on the beach and drink cocktails Maui is probably it.
  2. There is a place called Diana's on Zarzamora. They had some affiliation with Chris Madrid's for years before opening this place up. It is pretty much the same burger. Went there once and I think I liked it better than Chris Madrid's. It was great. Tried Mr. Juicy's once and didn't care for it. When I got the burger I got the impression that they just took a cooked patty and let it sit in some kind of beef juices. I could be wrong but that is what it seemed like. As far as Burger Boy, it is almost exactly like Whataburger, but probably not quite as good.
  3. you should go away, for two minutes and two seconds, think about it, and get back to us.
  4. Keeping up with this game on mackbrownfootball.com is pissing me off. They have Texas as Tennessee and LSU as Texas as LSU in the play by play.
  5. I don't know the true facts to make a decision one way or the other. Planted evidence and it an extreme injustice. Actual possession over there and it is extreme stupidity.
  6. So basically you are saying you should have slowed down and read better.
  7. and it sucks for them because you can't hit a woman.
  8. It is annoying to people that want to be annoyed. The reason he is President is because of his acting.
  9. I googled her and she is at least 92 right now. Her family convinced her to move out of her condo in 2010 because of neighborhood crime and she moved into an apartment in a better place. In 2015, her condo was seized because she hadn't been paying taxes on it. Knowing nothing about her family, I could see an old woman doing this.
  10. especially a car wreck as you haul ass leaving the city as buildings and roads collapse caused by a massive nuclear bomb.
  11. The OHV's have been a big debate in Lake City. They recently started letting them drive from town on the highway to the Alpine Loop so people didn't have to trailer them out to staging areas to explore the loop. I honestly don't mind them. I stayed there for 2 months last summer and will be there 4 months this next summer. I still think the town has a great feel. Usually the OHVs are in town in the mornings and late afternoons before and after they are out in the mountains. My parents had a place there for 40 years out past castle lakes, but sold it a couple years ago. My mom frickin hated those machines. A lot of the long time summer residents do hate them, but they are very practical for exploring the area. I will buy one this June and sell it come October. Sorry mom.
  12. Not sure some people know what a traitor is or how it relates to Beard. Tech is a stepping stone school that is supposed to lose good coaches to better programs. Like OU to USC.
  13. Weird thread. Hard to figure out who is joking and who is serious.
  14. With a heavy heart, I will accept my 26 points.
  15. Well you are mentioning the J and A were hearts for a reason. He shows up with the KQ hearts and checks his straight on the turn with the royal draw.
  16. Grandview, north of Hillsboro on 35W. It was my last ticket. The speed limit is reduced for no reason in that span of 35 other than revenue for the town. I typically stay in the right lane with cruise control right at speed limit. I am never in a hurry and speeding isn’t worth it. This place pissed me off because I didn’t see their unneeded speed reduction. Otherwise I am all for speeding tickets for fuckers that want to speed.
  17. anybody who you thought was already dead is good to throw in there.
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