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po elvis

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Everything posted by po elvis

  1. So it seems that if you want to trade in a vehicle and buy a used vehicle its a wash. The vehicle you buy will be a good deal, but you will be getting a lot less on the trade-in.
  2. Btw the victim lived in the neighborhood across the main road from this neighborhood. It is a similar type neighborhood with good sized lots and older ranch houses. I don't really think he was "out of place" in the neighborhood.
  3. looks right to me. the wrecking crew has been scratched for awhile.
  4. won't work. no place for my beer.
  5. lol. when your argument is that 56 years ago on your grand opening you sold/gave away 300 bbq plates, you probably don't have much of an argument.
  6. Debated whether to hold SPXU and SOXS or take the profit. Guess I need some more carnage on Monday.
  7. "This is achieved w/o lockdown, just good ol' test/trace/isolate + social distancing" Well except for them closing schools and businesses and bars, etc. like any other "lockdown".
  8. Oh for fucks sake why did I open this thread. have only watched 6 episodes season 1. Love it so far.
  9. the CEO announced he was retiring awhile back. this wasn't news. i was wondering why a guy that started the company 10 years ago, has $300k in revenues, would retire if something huge was coming for the company. but damn, this was a great play for a couple days for those who did it. i am just glad i didn't get my ordered filled at .75 when it was .80 a couple days ago. i would have sold at $1.20 and been pissed off at myself as it raced to $5.
  10. When they got guns to chase the guy down as opposed to calling the cops, they took the risk of the possible consequences.
  11. geezus $2.16 on UAVS. has to be good place for profit.
  12. I read profit margin for a full service restaurant is like 5%. So on $20, there is profit of $1. If restaurants are capped at 25%, they can add $3 to every $20 worth of food. So a meal costing $20 would become $23. The price you have to pay if you want to eat out at a restaurant right now. Now the servers would be getting screwed because they wouldn't be making much off the extra $3. is this right?
  13. Here is a pretty good PowerPoint UAVS put out in February. https://2af5709d-5d5d-42ce-b099-b35395abb99f.filesusr.com/ugd/89e3c5_588a8f31f3d44903b23d2c2521f427fa.pdf "The drone logistics and transportation market is projected to grow from $11.2 billion in 2022 to $29.1 billion by 2027, at a CAGR of 21.01% during the forecast period… The commercial sector is estimated to lead the market in 2022 with increasing use of drones for parcel delivery, delivery of medical supplies and food delivery." "Increasing demand for faster delivery in the logistics industry is fueling capital investments in drone delivery initiatives. In fact, the FAA reports that registration of commercial UAV market will triple in size by 2023 with an estimated 823,000 drones flying at that time." "Recently entered high growth drone package delivery industry through contract with major ecommerce company • Custom component sourcing and UAV assembly for use in tethered flight testing"
  14. Looking at the UAVS website, I just can't see what they would be doing for a package delivery service. Their current drones are meant to fly like airplanes and gather data, not anything that would carry packages. Maybe the idea is for them to gather data for the planning on the package delivery service?
  15. What I can't get out of my head is that the market was already due a healthy correction without the coronavirus.
  16. I would imagine if he was well they would trot him out for a photo op to quell these rumors.
  17. Really tempted looking at SAT to HNL in August on American for $349 RT. They are good flights too with free carry on. Have a free place to stay on the island. Right now if you fly to Hawaii you have to quarantine for 14 days. I should probably book now and cancel if I have to when it gets closer.
  18. Definitely a few people on here that are not realists and don't understand the complexities of a country built on the freedom of its people having to take a lot of those freedoms away and at what point those people will allow their freedoms to be taken away.
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