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po elvis

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Everything posted by po elvis

  1. My girlfriend has been doin her own strange religious thing before bed every night. She has something going on YouTube and is repeatedly saying something while she clutches her rosary. I have been sleeping on the couch. She also has something taped to the front window that I think is supposed to keep the virus from entering the house. I am letting her take care of all that for me.
  2. and to me it makes sense to include contractors because they still want businesses to pay contractors through this thing. if you use the contractor costs to determine your loan amount, you need to pay them in the 8 weeks following the loan to make sure you don't get your forgivable amount lowered.
  3. this guy on Forbes has been writing and updating. https://www.forbes.com/sites/peterjreilly/2020/03/30/paycheck-protection-programmaybe-next-week/#60878d231082 here is what he says about the 1099 contractors...
  4. This is the specific verbage in the act about "what is payroll cost" pertaining to independent contractors... some people believe that "compensation to independent contractor" means that if you paid compensation to an independent contractor you can include it. some people believe that this means that independent contractors can use the amount that they are paid for a loan for themselves. there has to be clarification on this coming. it is a HUGE deal.
  5. We go through a lot of eggs. But you can freeze them. You can crack a couple open and mix the yellow with the whites. Put the mixed part into ziplock. Lay them in freezer flat. Haven't needed to do this but heard about this.
  6. i was able to make it two minutes thru that song. and that is only because i tried.
  7. I think both since you use the same calculations of payroll cost for the 2.5x and what is forgivable. https://www.uschamber.com/sites/default/files/023595_comm_corona_virus_smallbiz_loan_final.pdf
  8. are you sure about this? I have been reading everywhere and can't get a definitive answer.
  9. Gf and I already worked from home and were pretty good about eating in. Not saving too much there. I am losing money not being able to go to the poker room. Or I am saving money by not going to the poker room. Not sure which one.
  10. here is part of the act declaring what is considered payroll costs. question about the bolded part. if my programmer is an independent contractor, does this mean the money I pay him can be included in my payroll cost?
  11. You use monthly average of January 1 to February 29, 2020 to figure yours out. *wait, that is for people that were not in business from Feb. 15 to June 30, 2019. Sounds like you were in business but not paying anyone. not sure about this.
  12. well they need to get in on this small business loan. take their average monthly payroll for the last 12 months. multiply that by 2.5. they receive that much $$. they do not have to pay back the money that they use the next 2 months on payroll and rent. it's really not a loan, but a grant.
  13. Darron Norris was also from Oceanside.
  14. why the fuck was she going about her business when she was sick? she didn't need a test to tell her she was sick. geezus fuck.
  15. haven't been able to get Netflix to work for 24 hours now. its killing me. i am about halfway thru painting the inside of my house.
  16. that's the thing. everybody says we should have acted earlier on everything, but Americans would not have let them do it. Americans have to taste a crisis before they allow their liberties to be taken away. why did we not do all of the post 911 security at airports before 911 and prevented it from happening? because something has to happen first for us to allow the government to take drastic measures.
  17. if people can't figure that out, there is no hope.
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