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po elvis

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Everything posted by po elvis

  1. Willie is the last one left. Glad I saw him at the rodeo before this virus hit. Houston's biggest star. I think Kris Kristofferson goes next, before Willie.
  2. They should find a cheap airbnb somewhere. Are they eligible for the $1k a piece from the government?
  3. I believe we need mandatory lockdowns. I do wonder what the consequences will be though. Large scale looting? Home invasions? I really don't know. Maybe nothing more than usual. The government will need to give every household money that can go towards paying bills. There are many people that can not afford not to work. What do we give? Each household $2000 for a month? Taxes will have to be raised at some point to pay for all of this. We will just have to deal with it.
  4. if you do not have the virus and you stay at home for 14 days with others who do not have the virus, there is zero % chance of you getting the virus in those 14 days thus there is zero % chance of you spreading the virus to others.
  5. Never really liked ZZ Top despite being the the right age group. Did love La Grange. But their big songs never did much for me when they came on the radio, maybe because we heard the same songs over and over. But I went and saw them last month at the SA Rodeo. Damn they were awesome. Even all the hits I never cared much for. My view on them did a 180.
  6. If parents have somebody to look after their kids, there is zero reason for them to be dragging their 3 kids along with them at the grocery store. That is just adding 3 people to the environment to possibly be infected and possibly spread the disease. People are either stupid, ignorant or selfish. They really aren't thinking about this thing.
  7. they are out of pasta, pasta sauce, beans, rice, water, toilet paper, many other products during the day that they might as well close at 8 to be able to restock for the next day. they are getting plenty of product trucked in now. they just need the manpower to stock the shelves.
  8. Yeah I can get round trip flight next friday thru monday to Vegas from SAT for $37. Caesars Rewards will comp all three nights at several of their hotels. But I can't morally do it. Flights to Hawaii from SAT are down to $310 RT in April and May. They are just teasing us now.
  9. yeah i quit going. seems like there can't be much or a worse place to go than a poker room. i just looked and at midnight there are still 6 tables going at the place by me. kinda blows my mind. they should at the very least on every dealer change pass the hand sanitizer around and have everybody use it.
  10. no, we just would have knew we needed to come back by an extra touchdown.
  11. What sitiations should you get pissed of at? Say you go all in on 4 club board and somebody is thinking about whether they should call you. Somebody not in the hand says "I folded the ace of clubs". The guy calls with the king of clubs. Should you be pissed? People not in the hand just need to shut the fuck up. They have no right to influence action.
  12. Taco Palenque is fast food place. There might be a place called Palenque though that is not.
  13. midtown is absolutely correct. Taco Palenque > Las Palapas. And I like Las Palapas.
  14. Yeah but the gamblers are Asian.
  15. Have been on a diet of fish and chicken to combat my acid reflux. It has been working. Saw a coupon at HEB last night for some Beyond Meat burger patties. Had one for lunch. Honestly, It was shockingly good. I was worried for first because it said cook on medium high heat for 4 minutes a side, but after 3 minutes it looked burned on the first side, and not that appealing. I cooked the other side for about 3 minutes. Once I put the patty on the burger and bit into it, it looked like a normal burger on the inside. It had a great taste as well. I forgot to season the patty (or maybe you don't season these things?) and it was still great.
  16. It's a cruise ship. You can be outside on deck and hang a baby over the railing if you want and drop them into the water. If you are on a bridge back home you can drop a kid over the railing to the road below. if you are in a car you can open the door going 70 mph and drop the kid out the door onto the highway. we depend on people not doing stupid shit for society to work.
  17. Makes sense. He just called $15 preflop so he could check raise on any favorable flop for pocket 3's such as QJ9.
  18. The whole thing felt pretty dirty. It felt like a date rape.
  19. Actually I told that wrong. It was Q clubs on river. Js8cXc on flop. 10c turn. Qc river. Drunk guy rivered the straight with no club. Asian guy had the Jc which blocked the straight flush.
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