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Chad Sexington

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  1. Remember that the Utes are missing their starting QB and RB.
  2. They’re girls, so you know..,
  3. So, 5:20pm on a Friday. In the Bay Area.
  4. Dime a dozen. They’re literally everywhere.
  5. 😂 That just never gets old. Perfectly original... every single time.
  6. It’s going to be a good game. You should try to watch if you can.
  7. It won’t be once the game is moved to Las Vegas.
  8. No. No hometown advantage.
  9. This game will be bigger once it moves to the new Raiders Stadium in Las Vegas in 2021. Vegas is cheap to travel from every PAC12 city. San Francisco is the worst place to have this game. Go UTES!
  10. Only if you stay married to her. I was able to recover. I’ve seen other poor bastards who never have.
  11. One of my wives was a stripper. Fun times. Best sex of my life. There’s just something askew with their emotional wiring. Fuck their every orifice, but fall in love and lose your mind...and your money...and some other stuff too, probably.
  12. Ugh! No thank you.
  13. I’m sure Zach Wilson is going to review his situation at byu during the off-season and pursue a transfer to Utah.
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