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Posts posted by Zwylde

  1. Cause I was cold and a little drunk and ready to go back inside and I didn’t feel like fucking with it.  Hell, sober and in direct sunlight it took me almost a minute to get that sucker out.  Dont think I’ve seen a good a hookset as that.  The only way he was getting off is if he broke the 6lb test.



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  2. On 11/29/2020 at 6:56 AM, Bookman said:

    PLO can be so much fun. Yesterday flopped quads in position 4-handed, and the action before me was bet, raise, call. Turn was check, bet 50% of pot, call. River was bet 90% of pot, call.

    Yup.  Those are the hands you are just waiting for.  If you stay halfway patient and don't get sucked into playing too many hands preflop you should eventually score a couple of pots like that.  I played on Black Friday and lost $700 in the first 30 minutes but topped the stack back up and stuck with it.  Was able to cash out +$700 after a couple more hours.   One guy was just rebuying $100 at a time and would generally put it in with any hand.

    Where have you been playing?


  3. 2 hours ago, BearSchlong said:

    What's the best way to prepare spanish mackerel?

    I catch dozens every summer but throw them back.

    Simple way is to broil them skin side down and baste them with a garlic butter and parmesan cheese mixture a couple times during the broil.  Only fresh fillets, don't freeze them.

    • Hook 'Em 2
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  4. Ha, check this out from wiki:

    In a "lost interview" between Eddie Van Halen and journalist Steve Rosen, when the Van Halen guitarist was discussing the song "Light Up the Sky," he explained that "Warner Bros. is financing some movie, and they wanted us to write the theme song for it and we were thinking of using that song."[5] While not mentioning the movie by name, later in the interview he describes it as "A neat movie - everyone's going to relate to that. It's high school kids up north in New Granada, some new housing development. They destroy everything, they lock it...they had a PTA meeting, because all the parents were getting together to talk about their problems they were having with all the students and kids destroying the town. And then while all the people were in there, they lock them in, they chain the doors with all the cops inside and stuff. They went out and started smashing the cars and blowing everything up - it was insane. It was supposed to be true, too. It was supposed to be a true story. So I think maybe the title of that kind of sprung from that. Because it was a real trippy movie, and it would be a good title calling it ‘Light Up the Sky.’ Because the last scene of the movie was heavy, boy - it’s just a big flash of flame type of thing."[6] Ultimately, the band opted not to give the song to the film, because Van Halen says in the same interview, "We went and saw a screening of the flick...and it ain't gonna win no Academy Award or nothing."[7] Instead, the song was included on the album Van Halen II.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. I'm going off of a 40+ year old memory but does anyone remember a movie (very early HBO days, maybe even the first year) that takes place in a newly built suburb community about high schools students that end up locking all their parents in the high school during a PTA meeting or somesuch?  Can't even really remember what the plot of the movie was but I can still kind of picture that scene.  

  6. Got a chance to get out yesterday post little front that moved through.  One solid keeper and the second surprise of November.  Can’t believe these smacks are still so far back in the bay this late in the year in 2 foot of water.  Caught another one in the same spot first of November.






    • Hook 'Em 4
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  7. On 10/14/2020 at 7:40 PM, Sbbruin said:

    Pretty cool.  Neighbor who went to PHS in the 70s posted this on Nextdoor



    Dr. Drew always talks about being at this show.  Or at least one of them if they played more than one.

  8. New house to me and the closet light is this LED type.  Light does not come on now when you flip the switch.  What am I replacing, the led strip? The black Accudrive box thing?  The whole damn fixture?


    The new ones at HD say they are good for 40,000 something hours or somesuch.  Best I can tell mine would probably have about 10 hours total on it so I’m guessing something has failed. 

    Please halp.



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