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Brodarious Hamm Sandwich

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Everything posted by Brodarious Hamm Sandwich

  1. Heading to this event on Saturday https://www.intersectwatchshow.com/ Looks like it’s coming to Austin in November with a slightly different lineup
  2. AirPlay somewhat tethers you to the device, the App doesn’t. The App also used to have capability to build custom playlists across multiple services. Really was handy Also, rumors are swirling of an acquisition
  3. There’s a lot more to the significance of Snoopy on watches, specifically Omega https://monochrome-watches.com/history-snoopy-omega-speedmaster-apollo-13-nasa/ https://stockx.com/news/story-nasa-snoopy-omega/
  4. +$4MM—>$20MM NIL But this is an unproven, risky move. How can it possibly work?
  5. My dad had one, too.
  6. They will need periodic conditioning. New boots out of the box should get a nice treatment regardless. I use Saphir Renovateur. Saphir Crème Universelle is good, too. Bick 4 works, it just won’t last as long IMO* Best way to store them is with trees and shaft shapers. *Oiled leather (Saphir makes a couple) and exotics (Saphir Reptan) need specific conditioners
  7. I spend at least an hour or two a day scouring watch websites, forums, and dealers. I’ve seen no fewer than 1000 DJs in the last year since I got into watches, and I’ve never seen that dial
  8. This is the game that officially broke me. I wasn’t mad, I wasn’t surprised, but I when I have no emotion, I know I am fucking broken. After 40+ years, I am done with Carolina football.
  9. Texas hat arrived today Just in time for a change from the UNC one
  10. I am wrapping up a grad certificate program from McCombs this week. As a long-suffering UNC football fan, can I jump on the Texas bandwagon? I think I’ve endured enough misery over the years. Thanks for your consideration
  11. Didn’t take it that way! Agree with you 100% How do you make a 70-50 loss at home to JMU even more of a disaster? Mack discovered a way
  12. https://247sports.com/college/north-carolina/article/mack-brown-locker-room-address-leaves-program-in-flux-236668870/ Mack Brown Takes Full Blame for UNC's Ugly Loss CHAPEL HILL, N.C. — An emotional coach Mack Brown told the North Carolina football team that he was walking away from the job after the Tar Heels' embarrassing 70-50 loss to James Madison on Saturday at Kenan Stadium, multiple sources close to the situation have told Inside Carolina. Hours later, another source close to the situation emphasized that the 73-year-old College Football Hall of Famer, who long has taken losses hard in their immediate aftermath, isn't resigning or quitting his coaching position. "He will be in the office tomorrow and getting back to work," that source said Saturday night. "Going in and having a normal Sunday." Additional sources close to the situation said that affecting locker room scene has put the program in a state of flux, though, as school administrators weigh their next step. UNC athletic director Bubba Cunningham didn't respond to a request for comment on Saturday night.
  13. I heard this from two Carolina insiders, one I personally know who is well connected, so take that for what it’s worth on a message board (not much). But now I’m hearing Mack walked it back Either way, an absolute shitshow in Chapel Hill
  14. No longer a rumor. Apparently told the locker room after the game
  15. Rumor is Mack has resigned. Hasn’t hit the wire yet
  16. I drove through Texarkana on the way to Austin earlier this year and had a fried turkey sandwich I still think about here: http://www.pecanpointbrewing.com/ They’re also incredibly dog friendly, to the point they have a Facebook page dedicated to the dogs who visit. Nice folks
  17. Not familiar with ‘em. Details?
  18. A+ rec for Roostar. Tried the pork, ribeye, and house special. Very different from the banh mi we get at home but absolutely delicious! They do a hell of a business but are ridiculously efficient. Easy off and back on the interstate, too. Thanks again!
  19. Leaving out from Austin on I-10 tomorrow morning, passing through Houston and looking for a great banh mi lunch. I have Yelped and Googled, but are there any particular favorites you all would recommend? We have a huge Vietnamese community back home and eat banh mi weekly, but I’ve heard Houston has some of the best anywhere. Thanks!
  20. St Elmo is pretty damn decent, IMO!
  21. It was cloudy all morning at Lake Waco, but we had a break a few minutes before totality. Back to cloudy not more than 10 minutes after Just before During 10 minutes later PS if you see this rental RV in Austin later today through Thursday, stop by for a beer [emoji482]
  22. Shoutout to Pecan Point in Texarkana! We’re making our way through to Waco, then Austin for the TSE, and they had solid beer (pic of the Cerveza didn’t turn out), awesome food, and they were very kind to our dog. Nice space and attentive staff with owner on site. Highly recommend Fried turkey sandwich 12/10 Best good road dog
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