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Everything posted by chase25

  1. I watched that and he looks exactly like this
  2. Was Pierce’s falling out with Sean Allen ugly
  3. I gotta say adding Gavin Kash to that situation in the offseason was a ticking time bomb. Real high character winner they added
  4. We aren’t going to try to lose but the coaching staff is going to be much more concerned bringing guys along and getting them live work. Who starts is almost irrelevant, they are bullpen games and will continue to be from now until forever. Will be the same suspects getting work. Flores, Hamilton, Bing (now that he is out of the rotation), Navarre. Going to probably see Flores less now that he looks like he will factor into the weekend. Depending on score and time of game Riojas, Burns, Volantis, Dre, and Grubbs will probably all be available for an inning max.
  5. Midweeks are more than likely just going to be live bullpens
  6. Mississippi State is a good team, certainly have some really good arms. This conference is unforgiving though, next two weekends for them are at OU and at LSU. Easily looking at being 3-6 in conference play and that would be best case scenario
  7. Texas Tech also sweeps Houston to give their lifeless season some life
  8. Louisville takes 2/3 from #6 North Carolina this weekend. #2 Tennessee sweeps #7 Florida Oklahoma State and West Virginia were only able to play one this weekend, a 8-6 WVU win. Texas should move up two spots in D1 poll
  9. That’s why they threw Flores, he doesn’t have the command or stamina yet to give you length but his stuff plays. It looks like they want to keep Grubbs and Volantis in the pen and I don’t blame them. Two 7 inning games also factored in as well Max started all last year, he could give you 6 innings if that’s what was needed
  10. Having that in the bullpen looming to be used in any game is more valuable. Same reason I think they are torn on Volantis starting.
  11. Can’t overturn that either way
  12. Could have been a massive inning, unfortunate luck on some hard hit balls
  13. Kinda odd to bring this kid in and flip Rodriguez to the left side
  14. Good job Ethan, that is also why you bunt with Tommy
  15. There is no reason for Tommy not to be bunting here. He has to add that to his game. Hope he can come through here Narrator: He did not
  16. Someone is going to have to sit ARod down and give him the bad news that he isn’t a switch hitter
  17. Well that is one way to get out of an inning. Mississippi State could make some noise this year if they can get out of their own way. Just an awful send by their 3B coach
  18. He leaned into that, ball don’t lie fucker
  19. Will just missed it, damn
  20. Hopefully Max is still getting loose
  21. Had to go watch Tommy’s catch again. Holyyyy shit what a catch that was
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