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Posts posted by Texaus

  1. Might be a dumb question…isn’t it based on the class rank after the HS junior year, they apply at the beginning of senior year, correct? My middle kid is a HS senior now. He fell to 6.1% at end of junior year not because his actual class rank fell, but because class size dropped by over 50 students from sophomore to junior year. We are a bit nervous. Can he make up ground in his senior year and still get auto admit even though it’s long past application? I was under impression it was locked in at end of junior year.

  2. 37 minutes ago, Constant said:

    I told my wife she should host a ‘Native American/Mexican mix, adopted by a white, gay Irish Catholic family for Harris’ Zoom call, but we don’t think she’ll be very lucrative to the cause. Probably just gum up our wifi for half an hour. 

    That sounds hot. Would like to see her gum up the WiFi. What’s her onlyfans name? 

    • Haha 2
  3. 2 minutes ago, Nicole44 said:

    Does it mean anything or matter if Biden endorses Kamala or not? I know it’s not in the letter. But now what? 

    He didn’t resign, so Kamala ain’t pres. the party has to pick the nominee, not Biden. So don’t think it means much he left an endorsement out of his statement. I’m sure an endorsement of her is forthcoming.

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  4. 3 minutes ago, Hefeweizen said:

    Ray gun is pretty awesome, not going to lie.


    Schwetty balls galore.

    Raygun is one of my favorite snowboards. It’s a cheap beginner’s board, but I like it and still go back to it pretty often.

  5. 4 minutes ago, Pato del Muerto said:

    True or false:  the best thing Biden could do to for a Democrat to win the presidency in 2024 is die.  

    I refuse to answer that, but the longer this drags out, the uglier it keeps getting for him. All of the goodwill for what he’s accomplished is disappearing like a fart in the wind. For what? Wtf are the people closest to him thinking? That vid of him leaving Las Vegas reminds me of my dad still trying to get around shortly before he wasn’t able to walk unassisted and eventually lost him. Maybe it’s Covid symptoms though, dunno. Sad and very concerning.

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  6. 13 minutes ago, Nicole44 said:

    Biden’s X going hard: 

    Biden Twitter still fighting. He may or may not write the tweets but he oks them. This doesn’t sound to me like someone “stepping aside” tomorrow. Or Monday. So I guess we will see if the rumors are true of a massive blue wave of defections and possibly even more pressure exerted on him. It’s not worked so far. I don’t know what else to say and just hope if he continues to ride we can make it work somehow. 

    This is baffling. If reports are accurate of big donor money being withheld, it’s already over for the campaign. Just impossible to carry on without that. 

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  7. 7 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    It wouldn't shock me.  Not even a little bit.  A surprising percentage of women are really, really, really shitty in that respect.

    And, Kamala at the top of the ticket will also drive up turnout among piece of shit white male voters who are racist and misogynist (so, the Trump base). If their turnout increases even 1-2%, then that may be enough to seal the deal.

    Also, just like there will be a lot of silent dem votes from women because of the abortion issue, there will now be a lot of silent trump votes because of race.    

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  8. 4 minutes ago, troph said:

    Maybe its PTSD from HRC and post-Obama backlash, but god I hope we don't run into a racist/sexist anti-Harris buzz saw (among suburban white women and others) in swing states. The number of women who might vote for a man (Dem) but will simply say a woman (per se) isn't qualified to be POTUS might shock us all.

    Why would anyone expect anything else? We’re fucked

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  9. 2 minutes ago, wildcat09 said:

    Specifically, back room deal making by people who have no real constituencies in the party! This isn't 1950; the delegates aren't actually important party officials who represent local interests or specific interest groups! It's just fuckin random Democrats who wanted to go to the convention because they're dorks and agreed to vote for Biden! Just tossing it to them and telling them to figure it out would be completely fucking insane and would destroy the party.

    I’m already drunk.

    I am in agreement with you in principle, but Im just not hopeful that Harris gets the win because of her skin color. I’d like to win this one, so please convince me I’m wrong.

    The fact we are even doing this bullshit is 100% on the Biden/harris camp lie we were fed about his fitness to be the nominee.

    there was a mini primary idea floated that involved town halls and seemed reasonable to me. 

  10. 16 minutes ago, Nicole44 said:


    I always thought a President is as good as the people the President chooses to be around them. Always thought it was largely a group effort for many of the Presidents in my lifetime. I just wish the people in that room would run for office sometimes 

    I think that’s how it has always been…until Trump. No question cabinet/advisors do influence policy, rightly so because of their station/credentials. But here we are. This coming lack of good advisors is a real concern with Kim Jung, err Trump. Yes men. Bad.

    The list of past advisors(all cuntbags from our point of view) from trumps first presidency that now disavow and warn us of him should be very telling. It is truly baffling that this isn’t even on the radar, it should really be one of the primary pieces of argument against him. How many past trump people are still with him? It’s easily a vast majority of past advisors that warn us against him. These are prior Trump cock smokers, they used to let Trump creampie them! And THEY are literally warning us of how much of a dumbass and danger to democracy he is. 

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  11. 38 minutes ago, Nicole44 said:

    Sometimes I wish the competent capable people in the room handling stuff would run for office. but maybe being the traveling figurehead type meeting with world leaders and shaking hands is the reason they are in the room. It’s just not their thing. 

    I do remember early in W’s presidency (pretty sure this was before 9/11) where he had a colonoscopy and the people around him forgot to have him sign that letter (forget what it’s called) ceding his authority for the timeframe of the procedure. And it was like a big deal at the presser with the reporters screaming  “who was in charge for that time? Who the fuck was in charge?” And it was officially no one but people were “in charge.” 

    Dick Cheney?

    • Haha 1
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  12. We all here choose Biden, on life support, over a psychopathic Hans Landa reincarnate option, but Surly not gonna be the deciding factor, the deciding factor is going to be unplugged voters in a few swing states that only see Trump with an assassin’s bullet wound, this vs an extremely geriatric Biden that was in trouble before the disastrous debate and assassination attempt. THAT is how this will play with the dumbs that are still deciding. This is a very target audience and Joe Biden ain’t going to win it, for fuck sake! Everyone was saying this a week ago a and now it’s like a brow beaten cuck fest for Biden 

    • Hook 'Em 7
  13. 9 minutes ago, Hank Kingsley said:

    Can someone copy and paste the article? Behind a paywall. 


    What Biden’s Defenders Ask Us to Believe

    The president’s allies demand that the American people ignore their own eyes and ears.
    Photo of Joe Biden in front of microphones
    Kent Nishimura / Getty
    JULY 16, 2024, 1:40 PM ET
    Last night, NBC aired an interview that Lester Holt conducted with Joe Biden, the most recent in a series of unscripted events designed to ease voters’ worries after the president’s disastrous June 27 debate. It is hard to imagine this latest performance doing that. Biden was defensive and rambling. When Holt asked how he could be sure there wouldn’t be a future repeat of his debate “episode,” the president at first looked confused, asking, “What happened?” and then let out an indecipherable noise before claiming no such repeat would occur.
    This was only Biden’s latest less-than-confidence-inspiring public appearance. During an interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos on July 3—also defensive, also rambling—Biden said “I don’t think I did” watch his own debate. During last week’s NATO summit, he initially introduced Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky as “President Putin” and later referred to Kamala Harris as “Vice President Trump.” On Sunday night, the president delivered an Oval Office address in response to the failed assassination attempt against Donald Trump. Although his remarks seemed heartfelt, his delivery was flagging and often garbled. He repeatedly called the “ballot box” the “battle box.” He seemed to come perilously close to saying that we need to “make America great again” before realizing his mistake.
    Biden defenders tend to dismiss these kinds of moments as mere gaffes, or as a result of his stutter. In the face of ever more dismal polling and voters’ growing concerns about the president’s cognitive ability, a spin machine of Biden aides and alliescontinues to insist that Democrats should stick with their candidate—that he is the person best situated to beat Trump and that he is capable of serving another four years. With each day, their growing list of talking points and excuses becomes only more implausible and irrational. These arguments require—sometimes implicitly, sometimes outright—that the American people believe a variety of assertions about the president that defy our own observations and experiences, and stretch the bounds of common sense.
    We are asked to believe that there are two Bidens. The one voters see in public might frequently look exhausted and confused. He struggles to remember names and details, and he answers easy questions (say, about abortion) with bizarre non sequiturs (say, about murderous immigrants). By contrast, people who spend time with the president insist he is sharp as a tack and in command of the issues. He allegedly maintains such a packed schedule that he leaves his younger aides trying to keep up with him.
    These claims imply that it is not the job of America’s highest elected official to inspire public confidence and project competence and strength to U.S. citizens, allies, and enemies. The fact that Biden looks frail and that we often struggle to make out what he’s saying is irrelevant. That he reminds us of our ailing parents and grandparents is also irrelevant. All that is relevant is his impressive policy record, and his commitment to serving another four years.
    Biden’s defenders encourage us to believe that extemporaneous public speaking is not an important part of the president’s job. He frequently has trouble communicating without a script, and has come to rely on teleprompters even in small group settings, but we are told that this is perfectly understandable and “not unusual.” Nor is Biden’s reliance on a teleprompter, which he sometimes has issues reading from, a sign that anything has changed about his mental fitness. And when he accidentally reads a cue out loud—during a call with the Congressional Progressive Caucus on Saturday, he reportedly read a note from his staff to “stay positive you are sounding defensive”—these mistakes are just ordinary slipups.
    We are asked to believe that it’s okay for presidents to keep bankers’ hours. Biden’s aides tell reporters that they try to keep important events within the window when he is consistently sharp and focused, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. It should not concern us that the president can be relied on for only a quarter of the day; we should not be worried about crises that might crop up at other times, including overnight. Although he misses the occasional meeting with a world leader because he needs to go to bed, this is apparently not an issue. We are asked to believe that running a presidential campaign is more taxing and stressful than being president, and that Biden can at least handle the latter, even though the former seems to leave him tired to the point of incoherence.
    We are asked to believe that the nuclear briefcase is safe in Biden’s hands, and will be for another four years. Although the United States is currently entangled in Ukraine’s conflict with Russia and although Taiwan looms as a flash point with China, we should have no anxiety about Biden’s ability to act decisively and with good judgment in the event of a foreign-policy crisis. It is estimated that the president might have only minutes to respond to a nuclear incident; Biden, despite his hourly limitations, will perform with competence should he be woken up in the middle of the night with the world on the brink of Armageddon.
    We are asked to believe that Biden’s apparent cognitive difficulties are not indicative of an underlying condition, and that he does not need to prove his cognitive health to the American public. Even though a Parkinson’s doctor has visited the White House eight times in eight months, and even though Biden and his team have given inconsistent accounts of the president’s medical exams since the debate, and even though Parkinson’s experts have saidthat he appears to have potential symptoms of the disease, the public should accept Biden’s refusal to take a cognitive exam and release the results.
    We are asked to believe that the June 27 debate was just one bad night, that presidents can have 90-minute stretches of befuddlement. We are asked to believe that this will not happen again, even though those close to Biden have told reporters that similar incidents have been happening more frequently since at least this spring, and even though George Clooney, a high-powered fundraiser for the president, has said that the Biden we saw on the debate stage is the same Biden he has seen behind the scenes.
    We are asked, by the president himself, to believe that those who want him to withdraw from the race are “elites.” This is despite the fact that 85 percent of voters in a recent ABC poll said that Biden is too old to be president, and 67 percent said that he should exit the race; 56 percent of Democrats said the same.
    We are asked to believe that trying to force Biden out of the race—to potentially be replaced by Kamala Harris, who would be the first Black female president if elected—is an agenda being pushedprimarily by white men, one that ignores the will of voters of color. We are told that Biden is the favored candidate of the Black community, and that Black Americans will be furious if he withdraws, even though a recent Economist/YouGov poll found that 49 percent of Black Americans think Biden “probably” or “definitely” should step aside, compared with 34 percent who think he should remain in the race.
    We are asked to believe that Biden is the Democratic candidate who can beat Donald Trump, despite the fact that the president was behind in the polls even before the debate. As a matter of fact, Biden and his allies say, we shouldn’t trust the polls. Polls that say Biden is bleeding minority voters are wrong. Polls that show Biden losing must-win swing states are wrong. Polls that reveal Biden’s horrendous approval rating are wrong. Any polls that are bad are wrong.
    We are asked to believe that Biden remains the best candidate to beat Trump after the attempt on his opponent’s life, even as that event—and Trump’s defiant response to it—only further highlights the apparent gap between the vitality of the two candidates.
    We are asked, implicitly at least, to believe that Biden will turn the reins over gracefully and voluntarily to Harris in the event that he becomes unable to perform his duties in a second term. Even though he clings to power now, he won’t in the future.
    And what are we asked not to believe? We are asked not to believe our own instincts, our own senses, our own head and heart: If you read any of the numerous reports that say Biden’s own allies believe he has no chance of winning in November, then what you read is wrong. If Biden looks too old to you, then what you see is wrong. If Biden sounds too weak and too confused to you, then what you hear is wrong. The problem is you, and your expectations and standards for a sitting American president.
    “The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears,” Orwell wrote in 1984. In 2024, this remains, as Orwell put it, the “most essential command.”
    Tyler Austin Harper is an assistant professor of environmental studies at Bates College and a contributing writer at The Atlantic.


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