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Posts posted by Texaus

  1. Don’t know if should go here or the high thread. So wife is a big square, but past year been hearing stories by multiple gf’s of hers how ammmazing Colorado gummies are. So I bought her a bag awhile back and she really liked them. Problem is that bag I bought her was a bag of micro dose 2.5mg shit. She has no idea/care about that kind of detail. Fast forward a few months and she runs out of those. So I get some more recently and they didn’t have the micro dose bag. I figured she could just portion each one out and be the same, so I told her I’d bring some more home. I get home and settle in, hang with kids and jump in the shower. She gets the shit out and f my carry on before I have a chance to explain and pops one. I’m the asshole an hour later.

  2. Update. New ovens delivered and installed, 9 days after the self-cleaning self-destruction.DA71590-B-5-A22-4875-A445-30-BFD48972-A8.jpg Same as the old ovens. Successfully cooked a birthday cake. A $5,000 birthday cake. But you can’t put a price on happiness. 

    On the plus side, this is the kind of mistake that earns you buttsex, or at the very least, a very messy bj.
  3. We’ve been married 25 years and that shit stopped at least 10 years ago. Between presents for our own 3 kids, our parents, and something for every niece and nephew, it is a goddamn beating. We both agree on this, albeit it did take a bit longer for her to come around. Now we just spend a shitload on booze and drink ourselves through the holiday needless spending on bullshit. I fucking hate Christmas.

  4. I’m not really the manager, just the owner/boss, but my best piece of advice is to every so often let everyone witness your ability to go absolutely insane on the drop of a dime. I will a couple time s a year just demolish an expensive piece of office equipment just for the fuck of it. You want your employees to have a healthy fear of you, it’s worth the price of a laser printer or Milwaukee cordless drill.

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  5. I don’t know shit about these. I only need it to be water proof and able to control volume, change channel, and skip songs on the boat while I’m in the water with a beer and a pool noodle. Do these things do that? I have an iPhone and use amazon music unlimited. I don’t want to drop the ridiculous money on Apple Watch...I’ll only wear this in the water. Can I do this on a budget?

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