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Posts posted by Texaus

  1. Kinda defeats the purpose of a gooseneck by turning it into a bumper pull. I’m confused why they did it. That contraption sure as hell took more time/money to rig up than simply putting a proper ball in truck bed, so it wasn’t them being poor rednecks.

  2. Bullshit.  First off, who the fuck buys their 15yo a brand new truck.  You're fucking stupid.  2nd, zero experience mixed with the ol A pillar invisibility trick.  Been driving for over 35 years and that shit still gets me at least twice a year.

    It was a used 1/2 ton single cab. His dad was in the passenger seat. I was at a dead stop in middle of median and saw him move over into turn lane and truck lurches forward and veered into me.


    It was surreal hearing the police siren immediately after. I had no idea he was back there. Thought maybe guy was running from the cop for a few seconds. Had wife and kids in there coming home from dinner.

  3. I’m in the process of refinancing and mortgage company comes back asking for 12 month payment history on our 2nd mortgage. I don’t have a second mortgage. They send the county deed records and there is a record of a second mortgage of 100k being taken out in 2017 in my name with swbc. This is not something I did or had any idea about. It is not on my credit report. What the fuck? Who do I even call about this shit?

  4. I grew up on the lake and have been on sail and power boats since I was born. All on inland lakes. Once I graduated and had some actual money of my own, I purchased a brand new Kenner 18v. This was back before tracker destroyed them and they were the shit on the Texas coast. I’d never fished much skinny water, but thought, fuck it, I been driving a boat since I was 5. Picked that brand new boat up and dragged it to rockport. Launched it and headed south. Took first cut inland and promptly beached that brand new boat on an oyster bed in 6” of water. The sound that thing made when some good samaritan finally came along and drug me off the oyster reef will be with me the rest of my life. Been rocking lake boats ever since. Pay a guide at the coast.

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  5. Sounds like they went down a public street in a municipality that didn't take adequate measures to allow for commercial traffic.
    Good luck.

    No, private drive on 6 acres. Any moron would easily be able to see it was a bad idea to attempt and they were cautioned by my tenant not to do it beforehand. I wasn’t present, just got the phone call after the fact.
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