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Everything posted by Texaus

  1. Bollard is such a great word
  2. Way too much work and no cup holders. Out
  3. Since it runs normally on external source, it’s obvious your prob lies in fuel system somewhere before you connect the auxiliary fuel source. There ain’t much there to look at. My guess is the pickup in you tank.
  4. Essentially, yes. Radar alarm should alert you way fucking before you crash into another boat or land.
  5. Can’t give a rec because I don’t do the fly fishing, but there is a new(been here 1 year) place in Wimberley called ReelFly. Orvis dealer and other nice stuff, advertises guided stuff.
  6. Yea, cut in with good angled brush and forget the tape. You’ll get the hang of it. Masking is a pain in the ass. Have a damp rag to wipe any mess up off ceiling, don’t worry about any mess up on base molding when cutting in wall because base is painted last and it will be covered, any mess up on floor while painting base can be cleaned with razor after dry.
  7. Baldeng was legit basketball
  8. I’d pay way more than $1 for that
  9. No law against trolling while you’re surfing
  10. I have a 5’ surf rod in ski locker with a 3oz weight ready for when I get wake jumpers. We never stop surfing and I offer first person to make a hit 20 bucks. The jet skis usually get the idea after first few casts and bail out. We have hit a few though on first cast or clotheslined them with the monofilament as they cut across.
  11. I’m confused what happened there. How does it go from stationary park to rolling down the hill on its own?
  12. I don’t have a problem with the cop going in for an arrest, it’s clear he knew she was wanted. Not like she was wielding a weapon or danger to anyone, perfect time to make the arrest. I have a problem with the way he acted like billy badass and got close for a confrontation. Shoulda ID’d himself, told her to get down and all will be okay, if she doesn’t and comes close tase and cuff. This dude was incompetent taking her into custody and got into a bitch fight. Shooting her was unnecessary and disturbing when he could of easily just whooped ass gotten her into cuffs.
  13. The taser was the right tool for the job. If the cop can’t incapacitate and safely arrest an unarmed woman with his taser, it shoulda come down to fisticuffs and a billy club. Shooting her was a pussy move.
  14. Two teen boys sharing one car. That car will be wrecked at some point guaranteed. I'd get a volvo.
  15. what a cunt. At times like these I always think about what kinda freaky shit I could make that girl do if I could just make it all go away for her. I am a sick bastard and have consumed too much alcohol tonight.
  16. Yea, posted because been hearing rumblings from friends /family that live on the island. Thought maybe I was missing something, seems to me it would be quite the boom to the region and only real blight would be tanks and spoil from dredging. They also bitching about plans for a desalination plant on harbor island, that I can more understand their gripes because of effluent ito bays/gulf.
  17. https://kristv.com/news/local-news/2019/03/28/port-commission-approves-lease-for-harbor-island-oil-terminal/ What does this really mean for Port Aransas and the surrounding ecosystem? Why not just have an offshore site to fill VLCC?
  18. That dude dead
  19. How much does it weigh?
  20. Any fishing piers left in rockport? Going for a few days with kids, any other kid friendly rec on fishing spots would be appreciated.
  21. Onboard battery charger/maintainer. As long as there is and outlet nearby where you park it, I’d install one of these and be done with it.
  22. Daaaaamn!
  23. I used to save the seeds from my 80’s swag and throw into grandpa’s compost pile when I visited. He was constantly pulling dope out of his garden.
  24. Have never tried any others, but quick books has worked well for me with similar number of employees. Not using the online version and no out of state employees.
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