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Everything posted by Texaus

  1. He didn’t resign, so Kamala ain’t pres. the party has to pick the nominee, not Biden. So don’t think it means much he left an endorsement out of his statement. I’m sure an endorsement of her is forthcoming.
  2. I don’t believe so. That vid posted a couple pages back of him making his way from limo to Air Force one was last.
  3. Raygun is one of my favorite snowboards. It’s a cheap beginner’s board, but I like it and still go back to it pretty often.
  4. I refuse to answer that, but the longer this drags out, the uglier it keeps getting for him. All of the goodwill for what he’s accomplished is disappearing like a fart in the wind. For what? Wtf are the people closest to him thinking? That vid of him leaving Las Vegas reminds me of my dad still trying to get around shortly before he wasn’t able to walk unassisted and eventually lost him. Maybe it’s Covid symptoms though, dunno. Sad and very concerning.
  5. This is baffling. If reports are accurate of big donor money being withheld, it’s already over for the campaign. Just impossible to carry on without that.
  6. Goddammit, focus. Assume goal is defeat dotard in November. Assume Biden demurs this weekend. Assume he remains president for remainder of his term. What is way to defeat dotard in November?
  7. Also, just like there will be a lot of silent dem votes from women because of the abortion issue, there will now be a lot of silent trump votes because of race.
  8. Why would anyone expect anything else? We’re fucked
  9. I’m already drunk. I am in agreement with you in principle, but Im just not hopeful that Harris gets the win because of her skin color. I’d like to win this one, so please convince me I’m wrong. The fact we are even doing this bullshit is 100% on the Biden/harris camp lie we were fed about his fitness to be the nominee. there was a mini primary idea floated that involved town halls and seemed reasonable to me.
  10. IMO, that’s better option than an immediate nod to Harris. Don’t think it’ll happen though.
  11. I think that’s how it has always been…until Trump. No question cabinet/advisors do influence policy, rightly so because of their station/credentials. But here we are. This coming lack of good advisors is a real concern with Kim Jung, err Trump. Yes men. Bad. The list of past advisors(all cuntbags from our point of view) from trumps first presidency that now disavow and warn us of him should be very telling. It is truly baffling that this isn’t even on the radar, it should really be one of the primary pieces of argument against him. How many past trump people are still with him? It’s easily a vast majority of past advisors that warn us against him. These are prior Trump cock smokers, they used to let Trump creampie them! And THEY are literally warning us of how much of a dumbass and danger to democracy he is.
  12. We all here choose Biden, on life support, over a psychopathic Hans Landa reincarnate option, but Surly not gonna be the deciding factor, the deciding factor is going to be unplugged voters in a few swing states that only see Trump with an assassin’s bullet wound, this vs an extremely geriatric Biden that was in trouble before the disastrous debate and assassination attempt. THAT is how this will play with the dumbs that are still deciding. This is a very target audience and Joe Biden ain’t going to win it, for fuck sake! Everyone was saying this a week ago a and now it’s like a brow beaten cuck fest for Biden
  13. There was the Clyburn/Carville “mini-primary” idea?
  14. Think trajectory was more or less from behind and over trumps right shoulder? So a little left would have hit head.
  15. Shooter didnt have an optic. Open iron sights. There’s a photo just before he is taken out that clearly shows it.
  16. “and the democratic ticket” A bit of a non sequitur there. Is he leaving himself an out or am I reaching?
  17. A whole lot of noise. Excepting a resignation, is there a path forward that does not have Biden as nominee? We’re fucked.
  18. If only we had known then what we know now. Do you honestly believe the result would’ve been the same? We were misled. That should piss you off
  19. What about Dean Phillips? I know fuckall about him except that he was crucified for daring to go against the incumbent. Right about now he must be feeling somewhat vindicated. Isn’t Biden getting exposed like this pretty much exactly what he was saying would happen?
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