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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by gurt

  1. and Jordan Whittington from Cuero. SE Texas pulling their weight.
  2. Yeah, admittedly I have only vacationed in the area and spent most of our time in Manitou Springs and up highway 24. So maybe my characterization is way off base. But we did go to some restaurants in the downtown area and it felt like a decent scene to me. Also, part of Austin's success has been its being a liberal city in a conservative state, attracting businesses through the conservative politics and young people through the liberal. Maybe the same could hold true if the state is liberal and the city is conservative? IDK, just spitballing.
  3. I could definitely see Colorado Springs booming. Very desirable location (Garden of the Gods is just insane), has UC CS, a nice downtown, and legal pot. Feels like a more accessible Denver. It’s on my short list if we move out of Austin.
  4. gurt


    Just got the email that they are accepting orders in my area (Driftwood). Though the speeds in beta aren’t that great, 50mb to 150mb. Still better than Hughes net though. Especially the latency at 20-40 ms
  5. gurt


    Haha yeah re-reading it, it is certainly that...I married into the land though, none of it is actually mine.
  6. I haven’t gotten to play in almost a month due to this ice storm nonsense. This may be the worst thing to happen to anybody in the state right now.
  7. gurt


    Yeah I am following it closely. I really hope it pans out well so I can move out to one of the ranches (one in Driftwood the other in New Mexico) and still work from home.
  8. That is entirely too much Excel for my liking...
  9. I think the length definitely makes a difference (ttws). I definitely get that the jacking of the lofts is just marketing to make people think the "technology breakthroughs" are what is causing more distance, but at the same time, having your 7 iron have the same loft as an old 5 iron but be 1-1.5 inches shorter does make it easier to hit.
  10. https://drivingrangerr.com Off greenlawn near I35&45 Very nice facility, real grass, well lit and a nice chipping area with a good sand trap. Grass has been struggling this winter, so more sandy lies than is desirable but it’s pretty great in the growing season.
  11. 2020 was a good year for my golf game. Broke 90 for the first time and nearly broke 80. Now a so-so round is an 86-87. That was my PB in the early spring. Next up is the 70s. Gotta get back on the range much more, have been slacking the last few months and my swing is feeling all over the place
  12. gurt

    2020 Rain Thread

    Never has a place been more aptly named than Brownfield.
  13. I’ve had it. It was quite good in my experience. They have some interesting specials they come up with but the staples are still front and center and very solid.
  14. Harvey Penick has been completely ruined by the foot golfers. Tried to get in a round there Sunday morning and at one point there were 4 groups totaling about 12 people on one hole. Since there are two or sometimes three foot golf holes per golf hole, you can basically never hit your tee shot until they are all well clear. Total waste of time and money now.
  15. Man I would’ve hung myself if I had a chance for par or under and ended up with an 80... I had my own chance at breaking 80 today. Needed a 4 on the last par 5, which if you’ve played Riverside you know 18 has no business being a par 5. Had just come off a birdie so was feeling myself. Hit a great drive to 135 out, then proceeded to take 5 more from there...
  16. anybody have a club fitter they like in Austin? Thinking about getting a custom fit shaft for my driver, feel like it is possibly too long and maybe not stiff enough.
  17. It’s not looking good for our trip to Estes Park, obviously. They have shut it down to visitors for the time being. So, is there somewhere within reasonable driving distance of Denver that would be a good alternative for the first week of November? Mostly looking to do some hiking and scenic drives without too much smoke affecting us...would Breckenridge be a good spot? Or somewhere near Colorado Springs?
  18. Well, the wife and I are scheduled to go to Estes Park starting November 3rd-9th for our 5 year anniversary. Should we be basically cancelling now or is it still too early to make that decision?
  19. Yeah thankfully I was able to correct it with the help of a friend/former college golfer. Mostly it just got in my head, but I didn't hit any shanks on Sunday so crisis averted (for now)
  20. Went to the range, hit some warm up wedge shots and decided to “play” a course in my head. Instead of just hitting one club for a bunch of shots in a row I would hit the tee shot for hole one, then approach and on and on. Was going well until I pulled a wedge for one of my “approach” shots. Complete shank. Ok, it happens. Try it again, same thing. I suddenly could not hit the ball...everything was a thinned shank. Try as I might I only sort of figured it out before running out of balls. Has me shook. I don’t know how you can go from making good contact to feeling like you’ve never swung a club before in the span of 30 minutes but here I am. Hopefully I can put it past me on sundays round
  21. No it’s been around forever. Used to be Austin Country Club in the days of Harvey Penick. I play there a lot. It’s fine. Nothing special. Worth it for the price. Has some good downtown views on the front nine. Lots of duffers out there and the staff is exceedingly lax so pace of play can be a problem.
  22. Olympic swimming is stupid. Why have 4 different ways of doing the same thing? It should be whoever does that distance the fastest, by whichever stroke you can do fastest. We don't have the backwards running 100m, the skipping on one leg 100m. Why do we have the stupid ass backstroke?
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