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Certifiably Surly
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  1. Blanton


  2. Saw this for the first time today. It's so bad it's good (kinda like 'The Room')
  3. The sheer amount of fire power on this stage is absolutely absurd IMO I know I'll get a lot of flak for this, being a huge Brent fan, but it makes you think about the massive void left after Brent's death. The 'It's All Over Now, Baby Blue' encore is absolutely amazing
  4. Nice chaser after a god awful weekend of football Wish there was a high quality video of the Dylan portion of this set
  5. I feel if you’ve actually watched most of the games, Dallas has yet to be blown out by anyone outside of the Jets. They clearly had multiple opportunities to win a game against arguably the best team in the NFL yesterday. The sky isn’t falling and Dallas at least has a shot against any NFC team outside San Francisco. Dallas got fucked over by some bad officiating. Cowboys were supposed to lose that game anyways. Who gives a fuck? We just have to win the division and see what happens in the postseason.
  6. Looks like an aderall and 4 cups of coffee kind of night
  7. There's definitely truth in this. The fact is Texas has a fuck ton more advantages than any other program in this conference and yet...here we are. We ain't the good guys nor the bad guy...We're Texas! (FML)
  8. Yeah tell that to Georgia, Florida, Notre Dame, USC, Michigan, and Washington. We just fucking suck.
  9. I'd absolutely count Florida. They outrank UT (which is bullshit)
  10. This is so out of touch with reality, but can you really blame us as fans? We've been put through the fuckin' ringer this decade. Replaying 2006 Rose Bowl and hittin' the pipe is no way to go through life
  11. Absolutely the truth. Texas fucking sucks at football and it's due to incompetence between coaches, boosters, and athletic department. Not because we're trying to emulate Mchigan or because we're the "Harvard of the South" and won't stoop low to win games. This is a business as evidenced by the poster quoted above. Hell, we'll have only one, I repeat ONE fucking 10 win season in a decade. Forget championships, I'm justing hoping we can get 8, 9+ win seasons strung together because it looks like this program is going the way of Miami and Tennessee.
  12. Baylor more than likely will tie Texas for Big 12 conference championships at the end of this year. We really don't give a shit.
  13. Thank you for your service.
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