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Everything posted by texastough

  1. What I hear you saying is, we should lose some games because too much winning is bad for the kids
  2. Mack, is that you? Even if this thread hits 1,000, this will be the dumbest take of the thread. Lets not take our top OL targets because it might make Evans look elsewhere!!!
  3. I agree they should have started yesterday, but at the same time I can't fault them for allowing the DOTUS nose-dive to continue on its own. As soon as they move to impeach, you know all sides will end up covered in shit. I think/hope they have the balls, and that it is a calculation that the administration is self-destructing without any help so why put a target on your own back? Especially when Mueller may remove any doubt about crimes.
  4. I didn't read the whole thread so sorry if this has been covered, but I would like congress to start impeachment proceedings now under the "unfit for office" clause. Take the last 2-3 years of his lies, racism, betraying our allies, inflammatory behavior, disregard for intelligence reports, abuse of the media, etc. and put it all on blast in a much tidier package than the trickle of news. THEN, when/if Mueller finishes up and implicates DOTUS in multiple crimes, add the "high crimes and misdemeanors" clause to the impeachment proceedings. I agree with you Hugo that there is value in getting the senate votes on record even if they do not impeach. I would like Trump to me removed sooner rather than later, but he's not going to win reelection and he will likely be prosecuted criminally anyway. So I don't think the calculus should hinge solely on whether they can successfully impeach. And, as a counterpoint to Brisket, I think the likely outcome of all this is that democracy in the U.S. gets stronger . . . follow me on this. Many countries have shithead autocrats that they can't get rid of. What is going to happen here is that while we got played and elected this piece of shit, we will remove him at most four years later, clean up a bunch of corruption and election funny business in the process, and shine a spotlight on the deplorables. In other words, I expect the pendulum to swing back in a big way. No, we can't go back to the way it was before and there will be some long term damage, but change is the only constant and I expect a lot of good to come out of it in the end. Switching gears, I hope there gets to be enough pressure on the senate to end the shutdown that they pass a bill without the wall and override any veto. It would completely emasculate DOTUS and be a good barometer for impeachment. Edit: I should have read up ahead of time, but it looks like only the VP and cabinet can act on the "unfit for office" clause -- not congress. But surely congress can still do some version of the above.
  5. Can we quit with the maga kids and go back to determining whether every pejorative term in our language accurately describes Trump? (Narrator: yes they do)
  6. “Close to 100% Successful”* * at enclosing reindeer
  7. Not many wide open holes in those highlights either. He's incredible, has every attribute you want in a primary back.
  8. They really should open another investigation into this somehow. The WH's part in covering it up is so obviously fucked that it wouldn't surprise me a bit to find out about direct bribes from the Saudis to Trump & Co. that are probably poorly hidden with a hilarious paper trail. After all the smoke clears between the Russia quid pro quo and this, I think one takeaway will be that Trump sought the presidency primarily for personal financial gain.
  9. Can a mod go ahead and change the thread title to coaching changes or some such?
  10. Could you explain this a bit? What changed from yesterday when Mueller was going to try to rescind Manafort's plea deal, which would have happened on the public record, detailing Manafort's (and Trump's) lies?
  11. Is Omenihu just referring to Murray's "no comment" on Ehlinger's game?
  12. Beaty is self-scouting the Horns, not OU. Which makes this whole thing utterly regarded.
  13. Is it better than the one that got Bedford fired?
  14. The POTUS lying and going unhinged is news and needs to be reported. Its up to the country to reject the lies. Hopefully our democracy comes out stronger having gone through a crisis like this.
  15. *who* called it an act of war? A Russian defendant or is the Russian government a party to the litigation?
  16. You must be from CA if you think the universe of food is vegetables, fruits, and nuts
  17. Its not about starving, its about setting environmental, agricultural, and energy policy, among others. The urban centers on the coasts don't understand or care about how those policies affect the middle of the country. Again, not arguing for or against, but I think the prospect of a majority of voters living in a minority of surface area setting all these policies is a valid concern.
  18. On the electoral college, one thing to keep in mind is the land. The states with lower populations that are over-represented by virtue of the EC also control the majority of the land in the U.S.. They account for a ton of our food supply, energy production, etc. I'm not advocating for or against the EC, but this is something to keep in mind as a counterpoint to the majority-should-rule arguments.
  19. In all seriousness, its not that farfetched. Although the GOP is Trump's party now, they'll of course thrown him under the bus when it becomes politically expedient to do so. Depending on what comes out from this investigation (combined with Trump's ongoing raving lunacy) it could start with the HIC in a "bipartisan" effort
  20. They have a badass tailback too. I think we win, but expecting a nail biter
  21. Acting out, but ESPECIALLY for assaulting that intern. Right?
  22. Is there anyone from the military that could make a viable candidate?
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