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Everything posted by texastough

  1. It is a blessing where this one hit. Almost no coastal development on FL's taint
  2. Active 294 hours from now? Thats next year right?
  3. Not a direct answer to your question, but the tweet that lead to the sniper rifle fundraiser said that something like 82% of casualties are from artillery, 15% from snipers, and 3% from small arms/infantry battles. This has been an artillery war, period.
  4. 230 rounds a day with 18 guns = 13 shots per gun per day. They have a network of drones and other recon that call out targets w coordinates, and the closest artillery then fires. Precision shit.
  5. I much prefer SA textured over smooth. Zips through the guides, less friction. Rio makes some decent trout lines but their saltwater lines are ass.
  6. University of FL is doing a python removal project where they tag males, which then lead them to females during mating season. https://www.wpbf.com/article/florida-invasive-species-snake-python-method/43011929# And, this is going mega-scale since last fall it was discovered that they just needed to tag possums, coons, etc and then track the pythons that eat them https://www.livescience.com/gps-tagged-mammals-used-to-catch-pythons
  7. PSA to all rod shoppers -- the fly line pairing with your rod can make a huge difference to how the rod feels and performs. A lot of fly lines now are made 1/2 size or a full size heavy, to help load all the modern rods that have skewed toward fast action. Because a lot of rods and lines have together crept upward toward the next line weight, a lot of times when someone chooses a rod and randomly puts a line on it, the pairing will work. But, some rods are still built specifically for an AFTMA standard weight line, and they hate the newer heavy lines. Works the other way too (fast/stiffer rods not working well with AFTMA standard weight lines. For faster action saltwater, I love the Scientific Anglers "Infinity" line. For my saltwater rods built to AFTMA standard (e.g. Scott rods and a lot of Winston) I go with the Sci Anglers "Bonefish" which is AFTMA standard.
  8. I'm not just talking about art, its the m.o. of the whole place and there's no way you'll be able to escape it. I love Santa Fe and its got a ton of history, but if you are really thinking about moving, I would do an airbnb for a month or something, and then go back during the shoulder seasons to see what you think.
  9. If you don't like cowboy and southwestern shit you are thinking of the wrong place. Go to Mendocino or somewhere like that
  10. Surprised nobody has mentioned being munched by a passel of wild hogs https://www.nytimes.com/2019/11/26/us/texas-woman-killed-feral-hogs.html
  11. Thread on old roads crossing the Dnipro before the reservoir was built in the 1940's, i.e. potential bridgehead opportunities for Ukraine to cross the dry lake bed.
  12. I really really want Ukraine to make Russia pay for destroying the dam, by establishing a bridgehead over the Dnipro at one or more points and crossing the dry lake bed. According to the fortification maps, Russia really has no defenses all the way along the shore of what used to be the lake. If enough Ukrainian forces could do it, they could flank/get behind the de facto end of Russian lines at Vasylivka, have no mines to deal with, and get the Russians in crossfire. That should start collapsing the lines nicely. AND, Ukraine would be able to engage at the ZPP if they believe they can secure it (Ukraine has a tough choice of whether to just let Russia abandon the plant when the counteroffensive approaches, which would risk Russia trying to blow it on its way out the door, OR try to take it by force to prevent russian fuckery.
  13. This guy has been clowned before for some of his takes on the war, but he thinks the destruction of that big ammo dump in Rykove will mean Russia will be severely rationing artillery shells in the south for the next several weeks, which should open the door for Ukraine to advance. Says that Russian lines won't do much to stop Ukraine without artillery support.
  14. Reportedly its from special forces who got behind russian lines, so those guys probably thought they were fellow russian soldiers firing at Ukrainians
  15. True. When this is all over, the tale of the tape will be professional Russian soldiers KIA or seriously wounded (plus of course equipment/armor/weaponry taken out). I disagree with your earlier post about Ukraine reassessing after meeting fierce resistance. It appears none of Ukraine's new strike groups have entered combat yet. The front line skirmishes are purportedly to bring Russian artillery within range of counterbattery fire. Yet Ukraine is still gaining ground on several axes. I think they are purposely slowplaying the start of the counteroffensive to destroy as much Russian artillery & ammo, plus air and air defense assets. They have been hitting a lot of artillery if you look at the daily totals, and have taken out four helicopters in the last few days. Looks like its going according to plan to me.
  16. Ukraine has not reached the main defensive lines yet, the videos are showing foxholes on the front line. Read the long tweet you quoted.
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