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Everything posted by Iceman

  1. They did a promo with the lockerroom speech.
  2. Lol. This ain’t even remotely fucking close to the miracle.
  3. I'm on the road a lot for work, but I love to go eat by myself- unrushed, wherever I want. Just time for me. No phones, no ipad, no nothin. Just quiet time and taking in the atmosphere. I think it serves a similar function to what you describe. Fuck that reading though, j/k.
  4. Truth. Did the oral syringe thing with grandson and he was pissed, but took the medicine. IDGAF how pissed they get if it's something for their own good. I think his momma was a bit in shock, but damn, at a certain point it's not a fucking negotiation. This is coming from a guy who regularly required 3 adults to hold him down at the doctor's office in order to take a shot as a kid. and I still got to play trucks and excavators with him later in the day. He was over it pretty damned quickly.
  5. ^^^^^^^^^^^ That's awesome!!!
  6. God’s Gift at 393 on that list is interesting.
  7. Tommy Tuberville I damned sure wasn't excited, but he sure as hell underperformed.
  8. 2 dead guys?
  9. For me it was at the tail end of Covid and our youngest son had been stuck in Spain lockdown for military duty for almost 2 years. We got him home and I worked it out with wife's bosses that she would have a week off- that was the biggest risk, as they were trying informally check on things in preparation for her being gone, without letting the cat out of the bag. By some miracle, it we pulled it off. I told her I was going to the store, went to airport and got son and then dropped that on her. Oh...and the next day, then we went to his older brother's place in Missouri for a few days. I doubt I can ever remotely approach how awesome that was because of all of the emotions involved. 100% surprise element. 100% execution by all involved. Now, for the past 6 months, the wife has been very politely asking for a Peloton Treadmill to go with her bike. She runs 3-5x per week, but often opts for other cardio because of weather and increasingly, dogs roaming the neighborhood. We also have just recently got some important news regarding my employment, and had previously had to consider the possibility of moving. I didn't want to move that sumbeech. Her birthday is in the next week and our anniversary is middle of March. All of these factored in my choice to pull the trigger on getting the Tread about 2 weeks ago. She very, very rarely asks for anything like this, so it was not the end of the world if we didn't get it- first world problems and all. So they delivered the Tread and set it up just now and everything is ready for when she gets home from work. I covered up the Ring camera this morning because of some ' very important meetings' at work. She still has ZERO idea. I can't wait till she sees it. What is the best surprise you ever gave someone, or what were factors of difficulty/ secrecy that made it special?
  10. I like him at DH way the hell better than chasing fly balls into the wall along the left field line or better yet, the fucking scoreboard in LF. Altuve can probably jump through the slot where the numbers hang...
  11. I'm still trying to imagine the conversation between the self-annointed hero in JS1's post when he tattled to Cuban about the thermos. "Excuse me, what? What the fuck are you blabbering about? Tea & lemonade? GTFOOH!!!!!!
  12. It's not any worse than his performance on the field.
  13. That had Adrian and Mr Hand in it? damn...
  14. Still better than that brick red bullshit.
  15. Golf ain't even a sport though...
  16. Meh. Fuck you for blaming politics when the folks have a track record of being incredibly terrible folks. the political angle is lazy. Some folks are limited to that purview. It's a minor problem, in comparison with the tragedy itself. In 75 posts and a 24 hour news cycle, not a shred of evidnce linking this to political motivations has been posted. No sir. Fuck you.
  17. accountability for a fucking Arnold Palmer? WTF??????????????????????????
  18. so one game a year? on a very inexact stat. persuasive.
  19. What if I like em both? Devers is a likeable player on their squad, IMHO. Why shouldn't Breggy change positions?
  20. Televised by Raycom/ Jefferson Pilot?
  21. Agreed, but the trajectory of his career was meteoric. Michael Jordan and his baseball vacation that isn't what it has been alleged to be.
  22. I don't watch UFC either. I did early on, but I lasted it about 18 months/ 2 years. Haven't watched a fight in 2-3 years at the least and can't tell you any of the current lineup. That's no indictment of UFC, it's just not for me. I don't like the NBA, but watch the hell out of College basketball. I don't care for the WNBA and don't anticipate my interest increasing. I watched zero games last season. I don't watch NASCAR either. I don't watch golf, and couldn't tell you the last tennis match I watched. There are many sports I don't watch, just like many other genres of TV entertainment.
  23. I missed my denial of the atrocities associated with this act. What I take issue with is the immediate politization of the discussion, in some attempt to equate any opposition to an aspect of trans life with endorsement of rape and murder. That is exactly where the inclusion of politics is attempting to take it. There are different points on the spectrum of the discussion. We as a society shun that notion with vigorous effort these days.
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