1) Yes, although they said my headlight was out and it was not. I was leaving a watering hole back in my early 20s at Tech and I know ole copper thought he had a DUI. My cousin from out of town was with me and we both kept grinning like Pyle in Full Metal Jacket. Finally the cop asks us, "WTF." I just frankly told him, "Of all the times I've fucked up, today ain't the day. We had wings and tea and that's it." he gave me a warning. I've also been questioned in my neighborhood while walking to the mailbox because I "matched a description..." neither of these is remotely as heinous and fucked up as scenarios shared in the thread. I am completely aware of that.
2) On the car search thing, I would ask them why they wanted to search the vehicle. I have never had my vehicle tossed, although I have been asked to step out of the vehicle and they just visually checked out the inside. I lean towards saying, "Not without a warrant," but the pragmatic side of me would consider just letting them look and getting back on the road for time's sake. I say this knowing I have no weapons in the vehicle and zero drug paraphernalia. They would find a shit-ton of stuff from my work as I am on the road almost every day. FTR, I got pulled over for speeding Thursday morning. 58 in a 50, approaching, but not yet in a construction zone. DPS officer asks where I was headed and I told him- 2 neighboring towns. he asks me if I work for ( my employer) and as I had my name badge and a company logoed shirt on, as well as a crapton of point of sale in the back seat; I wanted to smart off and say something clever... but I did not. i got a warning.
It's been my experience that DPS troopers are about 1000X more professional than local cops. Could be just my experience. Military cops are way the fuck nicer now when I visit post than when I was serving. Never had a real problem with them either though.