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Everything posted by Iceman

  1. "we cannot properly train people without being able to humiliate, denigrate, and emasculate them" Don't ever stop being you, aggy. It's one thing to embrace the 'tough love' approach; but everyone knows that has a double meaning for them.
  2. One is almost universally loved and respected while the other is pretty much despised and ridiculed.
  3. Stayed in a Holiday Inn Express last week. The best I could tell, there were 4 of us in the whole place. 2 of those escort (tee-hee) drivers for oversized loads, a lady who was a medical rep for home services, and my sorry ass. It was almost creepily vacant. Like every time I went to the elevator, it was still on my floor. No breakfast or food service, expectedly so. Manager said with the broad vacancies, it made rotating the use of rooms very easy.
  4. Yeah defining these is stupidly and idiotically political. There should not be a reason why; yet people "chose sides" within weeks of it starting. "Working together as a society" successfully, rarely involves imposing sanctions on others, whether they are financial burdens or restrictions upon liberty; yet here we are. We are telling everyone the have to pay that fucking price, right? One side is in love with "absolute freedom from death" and the others just want to get back to normal. Both scenarios are pipe dreams.
  5. I want to hate him for being so far up MJ's jock; but he was a world class WR too. That relationship is peculiar, to say the least. Then again, maybe he just always shot Michael straight.
  6. trust in your teammates doesn't allow you to expect what Scottie actually did. Cartwright's reaction is not that unusual for having your heart cut out by someone you believed in. I'm somewhat surprised by the number of people who said they forgot open Scottie quitting. If you were into basketball and witnessed it, it's a moment in sports you'll never forget.
  7. at Tech, the north endzone stands were still grass on the hill and $6 on game day...just right for a high school sophomore to get it. I got to see Eric Metcalf and UT come to Lubbock and was absolutely amazed at his lateral quickness, accentuated by my cheap ass seats at the north end of the field. At the time i was unaware of how established he was as a track guy too; but it was going through my head about how badass he could also be at Long Jump. Yeah, just a two time NCAA champ in it. LOlz. The way he carried himself made him easy to root for, even as a rival school fan.
  8. evidently, you don't know the backstory...
  9. If you can't spell good, get on the runway... and yes, that's both a Zoolander and SWA reference.
  10. real life Weekend at Bernie's, NORK version is trending like a motherfucker.
  11. This line...WTF does it mean? The NCAA runs roughshod over its members, almost arbitrarily enforcing rules and regulations. They are inconsistent as hell, and additionally spineless in the face of real transgressions. Who’s been running train on the NCAA?
  12. People are going to die if we open things up. ”Death is not new. Why is that the standard now?” You’re so uncaring and insensitive. Can’t you see how much we care? No, I missed it.
  13. Nah that's too easy to work around by, you know, boiling the water. The matrix has something better in store, I'm sure. This comment absolutely captures the gist of things. Tests are in short supply or innaccurate. ”We shouldn’t open things up until we can test everyone.” LOLz. How convenient...
  14. Not sure if I missed it n the website, but I drove over to Taylor only to find Mueller’s closed to curbside orders. I did grab a case of Live Oak Hefeweizen at the HEB though. I already knew I couldn’t eat 3# of Franklin cue( minimum order) so I headed to City Market in Luling. I have been there twice before and this time they had no brisket(4pm.). I order a pound of ribs and 2 rings of sausage. I get to my hotel and open the bag and there’s like 2# of ribs, 11 of them. The sausage is everything I miss about Cen-tex sausage that seems to be impossible to duplicate elsewhere. So freaking good. I’m almost glad they were sold out on brisket. The Live Oak is great too. Tomorrow, I will hit Coopers as some of y’all suggested, on the return trip to the Golden Spread.
  15. Just passed through Bruceville- Eddy. Still have more than 1/2 a tank of gas.
  16. Kellen Winslow was a bad muthafucka. Senior, not the Soulja
  17. Damn you... LOlz. Hadn't thought of that shit in...welp...about 8.5 years, DeAndre Washington as a Freshman. It sucked. Eric Stephens got taken out earlier that season, by a cheap shot vs wait for it... Texas A&M.
  18. ^^^^^^^^^^^ same as Pimphand. never really cared about Mizzou. Always thought they belonged in the Big 10, and most definitely NOT the SEC. I liked NEB and Colorado in the Big 12.
  19. if they called the game with rules from that era, half of the guys today would be out with bruised vaginas.
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