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Everything posted by tigol

  1. Anyone try Hokas? I have some on the way.
  2. I think they rolled that back to 10AM last year.
  3. You don’t have to be a member. Anyone can make a reservation. Members get special perks and get together once a week for cocktail hour. I considered it, but we decided not to join because we don’t eat out that frequently.
  4. For the OP, this place is great! https://supperclubstx.com/
  5. Hays City Store Hildees Milddleton All 3 are not sports bars. Plenty of TV's, but you may have to request a channel change.
  6. Bunch of folks around here could make use of that bib trough.
  7. Disable all linked social media accounts and phone contacts. If not, the folks he pays and described items will be visible to anyone else in his contacts with the app.
  8. Yep, and heavy cream takes it to 11.
  9. RIP. The impact of her music, particularly those lyrics pointing out sexual double standards and reproductive healthcare was transformative. It’s sad how far we have regressed.
  10. My FIL watched the whole thing. He's voting R because reasons (guns). Fuck your feelings.
  11. Fatty, please explain why the teaching of Jesus make you laugh.
  12. I've used a digiQ and Fireboard. I like them both, but I prefer the fireboard because I don't have to run an extension cord to power it. I do add a little portable wireless USB charger if I'm running it overnight or don't want to worry about the battery. The interface on the app is also great. They're both awesome gadgets. Just sharing some additional info.
  13. So your concern is not the drugs. It's the brown people migrating. Just own it.
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