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Everything posted by tigol

  1. Exactly. She's not normal. Your radar is jammed.
  2. That is some scary shit.
  3. Good lord. Someone needs to MS paint what that would look like.
  4. June Allyson. The adult diapers rep. Fitting.
  5. What a little bitch you are. Negged me in the goddamn food forum this morning. Where are your DT friends? Your little epeen isn't enough. Fuck you. Fuck your feelings. Fuck you for voting to make women 2nd class citizens. Fuck your entire world view.
  6. Goddamn, you are a fucking child. Went looking for a post of mine to neg completely unrelated to this shit. Please, get your DT team to crowd source ban me. I'll wait.
  7. If the border is open, why did they put themselves through this?
  8. I do not believe they are relation, sir.
  9. This. Just get the pork chop at Cooper's and enjoy it.
  10. Not completely serious, guys. Calm down.
  11. On second thought, I think he might be trying to avoid my "solution" to his impending sexual misfortune by distracting me with bullshit.
  12. My husband has a dark theory that there was some form of horse trading for the shitty shitty gun legislation.
  13. And, I was seeking a laugh on youtube to relieve some pressure. Pretty....good.
  14. Bumping this. I have anxiety. It's constant. It sucks. I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Rumination when you are aware of the issue is indescribably difficult and painful. I finally found a very good therapist a few years ago that hooked me up with some coping skills. I need to go back because I've hit some shit where my coping skills are impervious to my disorder. I can tell myself daily that anxiety is a processing disorder. Neat. Not helpful. God Bless the mental health practitioners.
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