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Everything posted by tigol

  1. Somewhat on topic. I bought one of their low carb sausage, pepperoni, cauliflower, and marinara pizza bowls for lunch today. $7.50. I threw most of it away. Not good.
  2. I can’t stand to hear the damn thing kick on and run constantly. It feels like $$ just blowing out of the house. My husband and I have somewhat settled on 76, but he thinks I am insane to turn it up to 78 or 79 when we are not home. Why does this not make sense? It doesn’t take long to cool it back to 76.
  3. This is where the dipshit got the 85% figure. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2022/01/03/fact-sheet-the-biden-harris-action-plan-for-a-fairer-more-competitive-and-more-resilient-meat-and-poultry-supply-chain/ Four large meat-packing companies control 85 percent of the beef market. In poultry, the top four processing firms control 54 percent of the market. And in pork, the top four processing firms control about 70 percent of the market. The meatpackers and processors buy from farmers and sell to retailers like grocery stores, making them a key bottleneck in the food supply chain.
  4. I liked it. The spice didn’t come through as strongly as I expected, but it made a nice crust and added a subtle difference.
  5. If you like chocolate notes, Stumptown's Hair Bender is really good. The subscriptions are reasonable and freshly roasted.
  6. He is, indeed, a piece of shit. Fucker "represents" me, so I've got that going for me.
  7. I just want to add a rec for this spice company: https://www.mapsngs.com/ Made in San Antonio. I sampled a roast at the New Braunfels farmer's market this weekend and thought it was great. I bought the spicy and it was great on eggs this morning. I'm going to use it on a steak this evening. I'm usually a strict dry salt brine, rinse, dry, add copious amounts of fresh ground pepper so this will be interesting. I'll update the thread with a review and hopefully a good looking steak pic. I am doing the salt brine and replacing pepper with Mona's spicy.
  8. That is an insult to dick pieces.
  9. Why don't you just buy Yoohoo?
  10. You sure it doesn't grind your gears? Ain't nobody got time for your bullshit.
  11. I tried it, but to me the TJ version had too much sugar in it. I'm sure it is minimal to most folks, but sugar in any salsa grinds my gears.
  12. PGA Superstore > Golf Galaxy
  13. Derka’d. Damnit, take it somewhere else.
  14. Same for his birthday party in Luck yesterday. His voice was awesome! He missed a few things on guitar, but it was great to hear him with a strong voice again. Bruce Robison put together a fantastic show.
  15. Won't hurt to go with 5 in case you fuck one up.
  16. I think you were lying when you posted that you do not have a degree. How could an intelligent poster, such as yourself, not have an advanced education? It bottles the mind.
  17. Damn. I loved the Judds. The guitar Dad in my group of friends growing up loved to belt out Judds tunes in the living room. RIP.
  18. This is true in the PhD category, too. I've worked with some absolutely clueless fuckers that got their position due to having a PhD. I think I just motivated myself to get a PhD.....if it wasn't so expensive.
  19. Fuck. HHSC doesn’t need more cuts. Damnit. It’s just HEALTH and HUMAN Services. I mean, fuck that, right? They could be helping a brown. Can’t have that.
  20. I couldn't watch it for more than 10 seconds. What happened? Incredulous look?
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