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Everything posted by tigol

  1. I wouldn't trust those labs and they should not have released that information. Confirmatory blood work takes more than one day and this should have been handled with more discretion. I hope the family sues if they didn't approve the release.
  2. Damn, born in Ft. Worth. I did not know that. RIP.
  3. Yep, I like that place. No lines, the hours work for lunch and dinner, good to great Q, and the brunch is good.
  4. Same. But, the beer flows.
  5. You need to upgrade. https://www.amazon.com/Hidden-Valley-Ranch-Seasoning-Dressing/dp/B086WQJB4D/ref=asc_df_B086WQJB4D/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=459704123703&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=2558285163268876949&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9028274&hvtargid=pla-926653617723&psc=1
  6. It works. Who is the dumbass?
  7. Yeah, I don’t get the Chilis hate. I get that they are not a replica of the original, but it is far superior to Applebee’s. Longhorn steakhouse ain’t bad for what it is. Applebee’s is bad for what it is.
  8. https://www.getyourguide.com/ss-natchez-l4577/
  9. No, you were insinuating something nefarious was found. It wasn’t. That is the point.
  10. For a minute I thought Elizabeth Cook was doing a bit.
  11. Did you bother reading the Times article that goes into the content of these emails? Or, did you just see emails as a gotcha? He explicitly states that his involvement cannot be seen as possibly triggering FARA and anything VP Biden says or does is not in his control in any way.
  12. Sounds like they are asking a bit much of their staff to interpret lab requisitions and test results.
  13. Sweet baby! She is adorable. You have a SMEG toaster. I cannot fathom how that brand has survived. It's infectious.
  14. The chili at the Phoenix is damn good. I love that place. Krause's beer garden is legit. Their food is pretty good, too. Nice way to spend an afternoon if a band is playing.
  15. Great! Since you're going to the Observatory, you might think about spending time at the Davis Mountains State Park. Some good hiking, but also a nice drive up Skyline. Indian Lodge has a nice little visitors center good for relaxing and taking in some quiet views. It would be a good place to have a picnic before the star party.
  16. It looks like you have it covered. That will keep you busy. I'd take a heavy coat and a blanket to the observatory. It gets cold/windy as fuck up there rapidly as the sun goes down. There is a new (to me) coffee shop and restaurant in Terlingua Ghost Town near the Starlight that was fantastic! I don't have a name, but it won't be hard to spot. Great breakfast and coffee. Very fresh and not overpriced. The best shopping might be at the Paisano and it is limited. Buns 'N Roses is a great casual place to eat in Marfa and I don't think I've seen it mentioned. Cool people in there. If you're getting booze in Marfa, the Cactus liquor store is badass.
  17. You might also consider donating it to Hospice. They will come and pick it up and you get a tax benefit plus good karma.
  18. I have that Jim Dandy. I bought it specifically for 5 strings and open G. Sits next to the couch and is fun to pick up. I think I paid $80 used. Worth it.
  19. Have you considered in-wall speakers or wiring posts? https://www.monoprice.com/product?p_id=3324&gclid=Cj0KCQiAjc2QBhDgARIsAMc3SqQCopvVCwVUDMwTAFGoLME8sIUgEIFh_e5y50GcDKmcxQfv9RPrRXMaAvkREALw_wcB
  20. I bought one when they first came out, but I have no idea what I'm doing. Thank you for this write-up about the app and the demo. Now I feel like I can tinker with it a bit. The backing tracks with chord images sounds awesome.
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